Check for updates is weird

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Check for updates is weird

Post by *Thany »

Checking for updates works fine, but the confirmation asks if I want to disable it. What??
That's backwards. I'm checking for updates! Why on earth would I want to disable that? Disabling an action shouldn't require performing it first.
Even the question that it asks is confusing. Don't make me think! (which is also a book every developer should read)

In short, this is the wrong place to ask the user to disable update checking. This should be an option in the preferences dialog.

The confirmation for update checking should be concise:

"No new updates found. Thanks for staying on the ball."

And that's it.
And MAYBE a checkbox to enable/disable automatic update checking, but even that feels weird.
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Re: Check for updates is weird

Post by *Hacker »

[mod=Hacker]I don't see where the bug is. Moved to the English forum.[/mod]
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Re: Check for updates is weird

Post by *Thany »

The bug is in the UI.

It may work as intended, surely, but that doesn't make it less of a bug. The UI is just messy, for lack of a better nonrude word.
When the UI is confusing I consider it a bug like any other functional problem. The UI is part of the application as well, and makes or breaks the functionality, please remember that.
Total Commander 11 on Windows 10
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