How to Understitch a Stretch/Knit Waistband Using a Coverstitch Machine

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How to Understitch a Stretch/Knit Waistband Using a Coverstitch Machine

Post by *VanessaBoggess »

How to Understitch a Stretch/Knit Waistband Using a Coverstitch Machine

Whether you're a seasoned seamstress or stepping into the world of sewing, mastering the art of understitching is key to achieving that polished, professional finish on garments, especially when it comes to stretch or knit waistbands. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of understitching a waistband using a coverstitch machine.

For those looking to invest in a domestic coverstitch machine, or perhaps considering an upgrade, we cannot overemphasize the importance of thorough research to find the tool that best suits your needs. A great resource for this is, where you can find comprehensive and detailed reviews of the latest coverstitch sewing machines on the market. Our best coverstitch machine reviews are an invaluable tool for both beginners and experienced sewers alike, offering insights into the machines' features, capabilities, and how they fare in actual sewing tasks. Investing time in reading these reviews will not only enhance your sewing experience but also ensure that you make an informed decision on which machine will best elevate your sewing projects.

What is Understitching?

Understitching is a sewing technique used to keep facings and linings from rolling out or peeking through to the right side of the garment. It essentially involves stitching the lining or facing to the seam allowance of the main fabric, creating an invisible line that helps keep everything in place.

Why Use a Coverstitch Machine?

While traditional sewing machines and sergers can also be used for understitching, coverstitch machines are specifically designed for handling stretch fabrics. They have two needles and a looper, allowing for simultaneous topstitching and hemming, which is crucial when working with knit or stretch fabrics that tend to curl at the edges. Additionally, coverstitch machines have a differential feed mechanism that helps prevent stretching and puckering of the fabric while stitching.

How to Understitch a Knit Waistband Using a Coverstitch Machine

Setting Up Your Coverstitch Machine

Setting up your machine correctly is crucial. Adjust the tension, differential feed, and stitch length according to your specific fabric type. Always perform a test stitch on scrap fabric to fine-tune these adjustments before proceeding to the main project. Using a top rated coverstitch machine can make a significant difference in the quality and durability of your work. The precision and versatility of a good coverstitch machine will elevate your sewing projects to a professional level, providing flawless finishes time after time.

The Understitching Process Using a Coverstitch Machine
  1. Prepare the waistband by attaching it to the garment, with the right sides together.
  2. Set up the coverstitch machine with the appropriate needle and thread for the waistband fabric.
  3. Adjust the machine to a narrow or wide cover stitch, depending on the width of the waistband.
  4. Place the waistband under the coverstitch machine, with the edge of the waistband aligned with the edge of the presser foot.
  5. Start stitching, using a straight stitch or a cover stitch, with the needle(s) catching the seam allowance and the looper(s) creating loops on the underside of the waistband.
  6. Stitch across the full length of the waistband, keeping stitch length and tension uniform.
  7. Perform a backstitch at the end to lock in the stitches.
  8. Iron the waistband, using a pressing cloth to safeguard the fabric when necessary.
  9. Understitch the seam allowance to the waistband, stitching close to the seam line and catching the seam allowance with the cover stitch.
  10. Press the waistband once more to guarantee the seam allowance lays flat and the waistband appears neat.
  11. Finish the waistband by topstitching or adding a drawstring or elastic, as desired.

The understitching technique, particularly on stretch or knit fabrics, can significantly elevate the quality and appearance of your sewing projects. With the capability of a good home coverstitch machine, this task not only becomes more manageable but also more enjoyable, offering consistent, professional results.

For those stepping into the world of sewing or looking to upgrade their skills, the best coverstitch machine for beginners can be a game-changer, providing ease of use without sacrificing the quality of your projects. At CraftsSelection, we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect sewing equipment to match your needs. Our extensive guides and reviews offer invaluable insights into the latest in sewing technology, ensuring you make informed decisions tailor-fit to your crafting aspirations.

Remember, no matter your skill level, there's always room to grow and refine your craft. Visit us at CraftsSelection for the latest coverstitch machine reviews and buying guides, and start your next project with confidence and expertise.
Last edited by VanessaBoggess on 2024-04-23, 05:56 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Display%appdata%\Microsoft

Post by *Horst.Epp »

By default this folder has the hidden attribute.
You have to enable the option show hidden files under the TC display options.
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Re: Display%appdata%\Microsoft

Post by *petermad »

If VanessaBoggess can see %appdata% but not the subfolder Microsoft, then it is because that folder is marked as a System folder (not a Hidden folder) - so it is "Show system files" that has to be enabled in the Display configuration.
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