ButtonBar eXtended (with macro support)

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ButtonBar eXtended (with macro support)

Beitrag von *Samuel »

ButtonBar eXtended for Total Commander


ButtonBar eXtended (ButtonBar eXtended.zip, ButtonBar eXtended.pdf, ButtonBar eXtended - source.zip)


Watch the video to see how it works:
ButtonBar eXtended video

For further informations read the readme.

Very important:

Please, please, please read the readme to get informations about installation, usage and the last changes.
Its useful - trust me. :D

  • Create buttons that run macros (of TC commands and/or program calls)
  • Buttons can run different commands if you hold down modifier keys like Ctrl, Alt and Shift. Its also possibly to use mouse buttons as modifiers.
  • Integration into TCs buttonbar.
Suggestions are welcome.
Zuletzt geändert von Samuel am 2021-04-25, 17:01 UTC, insgesamt 22-mal geändert.
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Beitrag von *TRSyntax »

I can use this :D makes things even more simple. c",)
[Button 2 Normal]
does this do the same trick as TCMC ?
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Yes you can execute any number of internal commands.

Code: Alles auswählen

You can also alternate commands with file executions like:

Code: Alles auswählen

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Beitrag von *TRSyntax »

is there anyway to have hotkeys to theese commands as well. or add program in custom commands?

like for an instance:
[Button 2 Normal]

does this do the same trick as TCMC ?
i can use hotkeys to open a TCMC command, can i do this with this prog as well ?

my tcmc gets killed by my antivirus all the tim and i cant whitelist it with my antivirus program :S stupid
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Yes, you can use the program for triggering macros by hotkeys.

Just create a user defined command by creating the "usercmd.ini" in the same directory as "wincmd.ini" with an entry like:

Code: Alles auswählen

cmd=**your path to Toolbar.exe**\Toolbar.exe 
path=**your path to Toolbar.ini**
Then you need two entries in the "Toolbar.ini" like:

Code: Alles auswählen

[Button 2 Normal]

[Button 2 Ctrl]
I created both entries, so the hotkey can have the ctrl-key pressed or not.

Now you can just assign any hotkey to the command: em_SwitchBothPanelsToThumbnailMode
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Beitrag von *sgp »

Hi, nice script!
Is it possible to specify a TC "command with parameter", like OPENBAR, CD, LOADSEARCH, etc. ?
The comments in the script say that the script doesn't use IniRead because sometimes quotes are omitted. Could you please provide an example of when quotes are omitted? Omitted means that they disappear, right?
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Internal commands with parameters are not supported yet.
1. I don't have a clue how. (Someone tell me how and I'll try.)
2. I don't need them.

As far as I know (didn't try again) the automatic "Iniread" (which I didn't use in this program) let disappear some quotes. (bug and feature from Autohotkey) For example in parameter strings like this:

Code: Alles auswählen

1_Parameter="C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt"
The command executed is:

Code: Alles auswählen

notepad.exe C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt
and not:

Code: Alles auswählen

notepad.exe "C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt"
So my self written function used in this script is just a workaround.
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Beitrag von *sgp »

Samuel hat geschrieben:Internal commands with parameters are not supported yet.
1. I don't have a clue how. (Someone tell me how and I'll try.)
2. I don't need them.
Unfortunately I need them but I have no clue how to implement them. I don't know if the Windows SendMessage interface that your script uses to send command IDs to TC can support string parameters.
As far as I know (didn't try again) the automatic "Iniread" (which I didn't use in this program) let disappear some quotes. (bug and feature from Autohotkey) For example in parameter strings like this:

Code: Alles auswählen

1_Parameter="C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt"
The command executed is:

Code: Alles auswählen

notepad.exe C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt
and not:

Code: Alles auswählen

notepad.exe "C:\directory with some spaces\textfile.txt"
So my self written function used in this script is just a workaround.
I see. This issue can be entirely resolved in the ini file, so you could use the AHK IniRead, it isn't buggy. Microsoft defines an ini file entry as

Code: Alles auswählen

where the Windows readINI API - which I think AHK calls - strips the quotes. So if you need to surround a string with quotes, you have to double the quotes

Code: Alles auswählen

More precisely, you're not doubling the quotes, you are just applying the correct syntax, which requires contents to be quoted. The Windows API dequotes only when it finds quotes as the first and last characters in the string. So if you write

Code: Alles auswählen

name=no "quotes"
Windows API will set name to no "quotes" just as if you'd written

Code: Alles auswählen

name="no "quotes""
Confusing, I know, but consistent once you know the rules.
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

sgp hat geschrieben:Unfortunately I need them but I have no clue how to implement them. I don't know if the Windows SendMessage interface that your script uses to send command IDs to TC can support string parameters.
I just found a topic, where Christian Ghisler stated that it is not possible to use all "parameter-commands" by external applications like Autohotkey. But a workaround with user commands exists.

Just add user commands for your "parameter-commands".
sgp hat geschrieben:More precisely, you're not doubling the quotes, you are just applying the correct syntax, which requires contents to be quoted. The Windows API dequotes only when it finds quotes as the first and last characters in the string.
I knew about this behavior, but for "first time users" its more confusing. So I decided to use the workaround. So I don't use 100% Microsoft compatible ini-files. Microsoft has to deal with it. :D

I don't want to change it. (You may as the code is free.)
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Beitrag von *sgp »

I came up with a workaround based on sending keys to the command line. It works for me. For instance, to open %TEMP% in a new tab and show custom column set #6:

Code: Alles auswählen

[Button 4 Normal]
; cm_OpenNewTab
; cm_ClearCmdLine
; change dir to ...
3_SendInput={Right}cd %TEMP%{Enter}
; SrcCustomView6
The modifications to the script are simple, starting at line 61:

Code: Alles auswählen

; ### --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ### execute commands & files & AHK SendInput

Loop {
 Current_Command := NewIniRead(Section,A_Index . "_Command")
 Current_File    := NewIniRead(Section,A_Index . "_File")
 Current_SendInput     := NewIniRead(Section,A_Index . "_SendInput")
 if(Current_Command=="" && Current_File=="" && Current_SendInput=="") {
 	if(A_Index=="1") {
 		msgbox,16,No instructions for this button!,No entry in section "%Section%" of "Toolbar.ini".
; 		msgbox,16,Keine Anweisungen für den Knopf!,Kein Eintrag in Sektion "%Section%" der "Toolbar.ini".
 if(Current_Command!="") {
  SendMessage,1075,%Current_Command%,0,,ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
 if(Current_File!="") {
  Current_Parameter := NewIniRead(Section,A_Index . "_Parameter")
  Current_Path      := NewIniRead(Section,A_Index . "_Path")
		Run,"%Current_File%" %Current_Parameter%,%Current_Path%
 if(Current_SendInput!="") {
  SendInput %Current_SendInput%

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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Thanks! Good idea.

I extended the program with your lines.
:arrow: See the first post for the new files (ahk and exe).
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Beitrag von *sgp »

I'm glad you liked it.
Typo: Button 4 Normal example needs square brackets in first posting.
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Thanks again.
If I have time I could write a gui for the ini-file.

Hopefully TC 7.5, TC 8.0, ... brings internal support for something like this.
Perhaps not only for ctrl, but also for other modifiers like: shift, alt & windowskey.
To differ between left-mouse-clicks, middle-mouse-clicks and right-mouse-clicks would be great too.
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Beitrag von *Horst.Epp »

Samuel hat geschrieben:Thanks! Good idea.

I extended the program with your lines.
:arrow: See the first post for the new files (ahk and exe).
This new version is bad. It never terminates after running a program and consumes a lot of CPU while running my Editor from a button.
Version 0.1 works just fine with the same definitions.
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Beitrag von *Samuel »

Thanks - corrected.
Just one wrong char. :roll:
"!=" != "==" :D