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TC7.5PB1 cann't suppor drag-drop to MS Virual PC 2007

Posted: 2009-04-30, 11:25 UTC
by cheming
drag-droping a file to virutal pc explore desktop is no problem but can't by tc7.5pb1. :cry:

Posted: 2009-04-30, 11:40 UTC
by fenix_productions

Posted: 2009-04-30, 14:06 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Sorry, I couldn't find out yet why it fails. TC isn't doing the drag&drop by itself, it's done by Windows function DoDragDrop(), and the data object passed to it is created via IShellFolder->GetUIObjectOf(...IID_IDataObject), so it should be the same as in Explorer. Since the data object isn't created by TC, I don't see any way to change the behaviour...