[plugin] New: The use of Vim Key In TotalCommander

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[plugin] New: The use of Vim Key In TotalCommander

Post by *starred »

ViATc —— The use of Vim Key In TotalCommander

Home: http://sourceforge.net/p/viatc/home/Introduce/
Install:Use TC to open archive.

What is viatc?
viatc is an advanced tool for those who want to use VIM keys in Total Commander. like Vimperator for firefox ,Vimium for google chrome .

like vim , you can switch between three modes in viatc
1.VIM Mode
VIM mode allows you to take advantage of VIM keys such as"hjkl". VIM mode is turned on by default. press Esc to switch from command line mode to VIM mode.
2.Command Mode
In command line mode, you can use TC native command line such as "cd", in the meantime, viatc command is enabled as well. press ";" to enable command line mode, press ":" to enable command line mode and insert ":".
3.Edit Mode
Press "r" to rename file . this time , hjkl to move and x or d to delete character . If you need to add character , please press i again , to edit-input mode . press Esc to edit mode and press Esc again to vi mode .

To Enable/Disable viatc, press ALT+Esc
You can also use "hjkl" to navigate in help window. press Esc to close help window.

Esc : Enable Vim mode
; : Enable command line mode
: : Enable command line mode and insert ":"
i : Enable edit mode
Alt+Esc : Enable/disable all vim shortcuts

Moving around
<Num>j : Move down by <Num> times
<Num>k : Move up by <num> times
<Num>h : Move to left by <num> times
<Num>l : Move to right by <num> times
<Num>J : Select <num> files down from current
<Num>K : Select <num> files up from current
<Num>G : Go to <Num> line

H : Back
L : Forward
u : Upper directory
U : Go to root directory
o : Open the left drive list
O : Open the right drive list
d : Directory hotlist (Like ctrl+d)
` : Display directory history
~ : Save directory history

r : Rename Only
R : Multi-rename
i : Edit text at rename mode
I : Create a folder
y : Copy the file name to clipboard
Y : Copy the file name and path to clipboard
x : delete file
X : Force delete files
a : Change attributes
A : Files associate

Search and Tools
/ : Quick search
?: Advanced search
= : Target = source
v : view change
q : Quick view
w : Compare directories
W : Mark Newer ,Hide same files
e : Show context menu
E : Open command prompt window
p : Pack
P : Unpack
t : Open new tab
T : Open new tab in backgroud

Mark files
[ : Select all
] : Unselect all
\ : Invert selection
| : Hide files which aren`t selected
, : Temporarily save selection
. : Selection before last operation
# : Select group : just files
$ : Unselect group : just files
% : Select group : just folders
^ : Unselect group : just folders
& : Select all files with same name
* : Unselect all files with same name
( : Select all files with same ext.
) : Unselect all files with same ext.
{ : Select Group
} : Unselect Group

Group Key:
zm : Maximize TC
zn : Minimum TC
zr : Restore TC
zi : Maximize the right panel
zo : Maximize the left panel
zz : Split panel window
zv : Vertical arrangment

cl : Clear left history
cr : Clear right history
cc : Clear command history

sn : sort by file name
se : Sort by extension
sd : Sort by date
ss : Sort by size
sr : Reverse order
s1 : Sort by 1st Column
s2 : Sort by 2nd Column
s9 : Sort by 9th Column

gt : Switch to next Tab
gT : Switch to previous Tab
gc : Close tab
gC : Close all tab
gg : Swap panels
gG : Swap all Tabs
gn : Open dir under cursor in tab
gN : Open dir under cursor (other window)
gl : Turn on/off tab locking
gL : Same gl but with dir changes allowed
g1 : Activate first tab
g2 : Activate second tab
g9 : Activate 9th tab

Vb : Show/Hide button bar
Vd : Show/Hide drive buttons
Vo : Show/Hide two drive button bars
Vl : Flat icons
Vi : Flat user interface(button bar configured separately
Vr : Show/Hide drive combobox
Vw : Show/Hide folder tabs
Vc : Show/Hide current directory
Vp : Show/Hide clickable path parts("breadcrumb bar")
Va : Auto-open when moving mouse over it
Vh : Show/Hide buttons for history list and hotlist
Vt : Show/Hide tabstop header
Vs : Show/Hide status bar
Vn : Show/Hide command line
Vf : Show/Hide function key buttons
Vx : Windows XP theme background(menu+all bars)

Command :
You can type in these commands in TC command window

:set Open VIATC options
:config Open TC options
:q Quit viatc
:w Save the current selection
:r Restore the current selection
:d Delete saved selection
:! Open a command line (CMD.exe)
:pwd Show current path
:top Turn on/off "Always on Top"
:download Background transfer manager
:sy Synchronize directories


Vim Mode At Total Commander 7.5+

Version 0.4

By linxinhong 2012/02/02



Technical support can be received via e-mail "viatc suggestion" or "viatc bugs" in subject is preferred, Chinese and English preferred.
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Post by *raytc »

Great idea.
I use vim a lot and would like to use the vimkeys in TC.

but almost all keys are different.
Can't you give users the possibility to change the hotkeys?

gg --> go to the top of file list (go to first file)
G ---> go to bottom of file list (go to last file)
G10 --> go to file 10 lines below current position
G-10 --> go to file 10 lines above current position
T ---> top of screen
B ---> bottom of screen
M --> middle of screen
C-F --> page down
C-D --> 1/2 page down
C-B --> page up
C-U --> 1/2 page up
u --> return to previous mouse position
C-R --> go to next mouse position

you can use the "s" key for the selection mode.

s* --> select all files
s- --> unselect all files
s&* --> select all files with same name
s&- --> unselect all files with same name
se* --> select all files with same ext.
se- --> unselect all files with same ext.
sG10 --> select 10 lines (files) from cursor position to the bottom
sG-10 --> select 10 lines (files) from current cursor position to top
sgg --> select all lines from current position to top of file list.
sG --> select all lines from current position to bottom of file list.
s*jpg --> select all jpg's
S-jpg --> unselect all jpg's

and even more important..
I would like to disable some keys p.e. "x" (delete a file).
Its too easy with the "x" key to delete files without knowledge.
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Re: [plugin] New: The use of Vim Key In TotalCommander

Post by *magicstep »

A new version is here https://magicstep.github.io/viatc/
It is actively developed, it provides more enhancements and is easier to use.

x = close tab (same as in web browser plugins)
cc = delete
gg = top
G = bottom

Keys can be reconfigured or disabled.
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