- Added support for .. items
- High dpi mode e.g. 120pi or 144 dpi should look just fine.
- The way hotkeys are handled has been changed as the plugin could not be started when another plugin was displayed and user pressed 4. However it's unfortunately not a full fix as you have to press 4 twice in some cases. This includes opening the Lister not using the keyboard and then cycle through plugins by pressing 4.
- The current path is now displayed in a new area above the file list.
- The number of files in a folder is now displayed next to the size. This cannot be configured at the moment. A setting will be added later.
- Pressing delete moves an item to the recycle bin. If moving to bin isn't possible the item will be deleted. A confirmation dialog is displayed in all cases.
- It's now possible to navigate folders inside the plugin by pressing return or performing a doubleclick to go down or by pressing backspace to go up.
Standalone version
Addon (DirSizeCalc content plugin must already be installed)
As we all know VisualDirSize doesn't exist as 64 bit version which is quite a problem in quickview. This is why I started working on a new Lister plugin that hopefully will someday be as good as VisualDirSize - or even better.
My new Lister plugin 'DirSizeCalc Charts' displays folder sizes as bar charts. I hope you like it.
My content plugin DirSizeCalc is required for this Lister plugin. You should pick the standalone version if you don't have DirSizeCalc installed. Otherwise download the addon version which will be installed in the same folder as DirSizeCalc.
Some known limitations:
- Don't expect that this plugin has all the features of VisualDirsize. It's still an early version. More functionality will be added over time.
- Size calculation is currently not as fast as I want it to be. I will try to improve performance in future versions.
- Translation isn't currently possible. Translated strings all come from DirSizeCalc.
- Reparse point handling cannot be configured at the moment.
How you can help me:
- It's still a quite early version so there might be bugs. Please don't hesitate to report them.
- The list of features to implement is quite long. You might expect some features known from VisualDirSize - but I probably won't implement them all. If you have a certain priority - let me know. The next things I will add are 1. Settings, 2. Filter, 3. Pie chart view
- I like to hear you opinion on value scaling. I have experiented a lot with logarithmical scaling but I have now reversed to linear scaling. Values from 0 have at least a width of 2 pixels. Just empty folders have no bar a all. I will probably make an option in the future. So you can try it.