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Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-02, 13:24 UTC
by TheOwner
there are some ideas how you can improve Total Commander:

- make %programdata% always visible (same way how we can see %appdata%)
- add reset to default settings button
- add delete history button
- add secure erase option with various methods (All 0, Random data, DoD, Gutmann, ...)
- add more settings to external RAR packer into TC GUI, ideally all the settings which can you use in WinRar GUI (for example RAR version, encryption also for file names, ...)

And there are some archaic or bad default settings which should be changed to:

- Sort method: Natural sorting: alphabetical and numbers
- Sorting directories: Like files (also by time)
- Size display dynamic (x.xx k/M/G)
- Use real default paths for external packers which should work without configuration by default (For example, for Winrar is now RAR.exe and should be changed to "C:\ProgramFiles\Winrar\Winrar.exe").

I hope some of those ideas can help improve this program.

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-07, 07:57 UTC
by Fla$her
1. You can see %ProgramData% as well as %AllUsersProfile% or %$ProgramData%.
2. Command:
xcopy/chkqry "%COMMANDER_PATH%\INI\wincmd.ini" "%COMMANDER_INI%"

3. Command:
%COMMANDER_PATH%\Utils\Ultra TC Editors\History Editor.exe /s=1;2;3;4;5;7;8;9;13;14;15;16;17;18 /r

4. Button with xdl as variant:
%ComSpec% /c echo off&for /f "delims= eol=" %# in
('type %WL') do if exist "%%~s#\" ((for /f "delims= eol=" %%i in ('dir "%%~s#" /a-d/b/s') do if %%~zi gtr 0 xdl.exe "%%~si")&rd /s/q "%%~s#") else if %%~z#==0 (del /f/q "%%~s#") else xdl.exe "%%~s#"

Permanently delete the selected using XDL
5. You can make as many buttons with parameters as you want WinRAR.exe. TC packaging interface is not rubber.
6-7. What's wrong with sorting? Details?
8. Where should the size display be dynamic?
9. Create an EnVar using SetEnv command in autorun.wdx.

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-07, 23:19 UTC
by TheOwner
Sorting should include also folders by default but i know it is personal preference.
By default TC shows files and folders size in bytes which is not ideal, dynamic is better.

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-08, 01:17 UTC
by Fla$her
First of all I asked about this:
TheOwner wrote: 2022-08-02, 13:24 UTC- Sort method: Natural sorting: alphabetical and numbers
And you can forget about mixed sorting. The author dismissed this idea a long time ago.

About dynamic change. Are you talking about the detailed mode (cm_SrcLong)?
See "Refresh" page in the settings:
Auto-Refresh when the file system changes
  • Refresh when files are created, deleted and renamed
  • Also when size, date, or attributes change

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-08, 08:53 UTC
by petermad
About dynamic change. Are you talking about the detailed mode (cm_SrcLong)?
I guess it is about "Configuration" -> "Options..." -> "Tabstops/Data Formats" -> "Size display" and "Header/footer" -

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-08, 09:03 UTC
by petermad
Support ++ for:
- Sort method: Natural sorting: alphabetical and numbers
- Sorting directories: Like files (also by time)

- Sorting directories: Like files (also by time)
Feel free to support this: viewtopic.php?t=76976

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-08, 18:56 UTC
by Fla$her
petermad wrote: 2022-08-08, 08:53 UTCI guess it is about ...
Ah. Аnd what in these options did not suit the author of the topic?

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-08, 20:31 UTC
by petermad

The author of the topic wants the default values for the mentioned option changed, probalbly because he find that the current default options must be surprising for new user.

Re: Ideas for improving Total Commander

Posted: 2022-08-11, 22:39 UTC
by Fla$her
Understandable. :) I don't see the point.