Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 2 is available now!

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Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 2 is available now!

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 2 (RC2) is available now!
Download Total Commander 10.52 RC2 now (Free update/Demo version)
Please choose "refresh" in your browser if it still shows the previous beta version.

RC2 is mainly bugfix release.

There are a few new functions and bugfixes in 10.52, see below. Complete list of changes.

New functions in Total Commander 10.52
  • Command line parameters: option /O now supports a parameter, e.g. /O0 to never open a new instance in any case
  • New hotkey F9 in "Compare by content" to toggle visibility of the two line compare box at the bottom
  • Internal associations: New command **path\ opens the given button bar file as a menu
  • Button command LOADLIST0 loads list of files without any error messages when files cannot be found
  • Command line parameters now support value LOADLIST:path\listfile.txt instead of a directory name to load list file into file panel
  • Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: New hotkey Ctrl+Z to clear search text
  • The following internal commands now support parameters: cm_Exit, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_*ActivateTab*, cm_50percent
Author of Total Commander