I noticed that when I do a quickview on an archive it shows the readme.txt/md/file_id.diz in the panel
but it uses the
first it can find and not the one in the
root of the archive so to speak - this makes it less useful for me (as the first readme in such cases often have something like "places files here" or "image folder" and not the description of the "thing" (program, archive) as intended when the archive was created.
Example: If you have an archive with the structure as below, it shows the contents of "testzip\folder2\readme.txt" and not the one from the root "testzip\readme.txt" when you do a Quick View.
Code: Select all
I would prefer to be able to see the "root" version even it would mean it might become a "bit slower" (if that was the reason to use "first" vs "root"). If need be via a INI setting if the current behaviour is required to be standard.