Find duplicate or similar folders and replace them with the new version

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Find duplicate or similar folders and replace them with the new version

Post by *Deltaflight84 »

Hi i want that TC controls in more paths (3 different Hard Drives) duplicates folders names, and replace that folder with the new version, let me be more accurate:

I have 3 HD with multiples scenery for Flight Simulator 2020 in three paths:

I:\MSFS Addons 2
J:\MSFS Addons
H:\MSFS Addons 3
The path that contains the new versions scenerys is: E:\temp

my goal isthat TC checks in these 3 paths, the folders that already exist with the same name but at the end of the name folder the new ascending version, and obviously puts those with the older version in a specific path E:/ backup

i know that is hard to understand i don't know more how to explain this necessity
Thx in advance
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Re: Find duplicate or similar folders and replace them with the new version

Post by *beb »

If your task implies full automation, I can see no way it could be fulfilled within the Total Commander scope, sorry.
Still, it can be done manually step by step using the synchronize dirs functionality.
In the case of full automation, I would prefer PowerShell as a suitable and capable tool (even though some fellow users here seemed to begin to hate me for that, lol).
In any case, you would need to articulate more clearly the details and conditions of your task since it's pretty challenging even to understand it by now, let alone to begin any practical probes.
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Re: Find duplicate or similar folders and replace them with the new version

Post by *beb »

To begin with, try the below script as a first approach:


Code: Select all

$backup = @(
# put here below the actual paths where the saved sceneries reside considering the given syntax
# note: each path should represent a single saved scenery (not a collection of those)
'I:\MSFS Addons 2',
'J:\MSFS Addons',
'H:\MSFS Addons 3',

foreach ($scenery in $backup) {
$tmp = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse $scenery | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5).Hash | Out-String
$md5 = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 -InputStream ([IO.MemoryStream]::new([char[]]$tmp))).Hash
Write-Host "md5: $md5 $scenery"

If the truly identical scenery copies do exist, the script will return identical [md5] hash sums for them (for their corresponding paths).
Last edited by beb on 2023-12-18, 21:47 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Find duplicate or similar folders and replace them with the new version

Post by *Fla$her »

Your question is not solved using TC, besides, when using permanent paths, it doesn't need to interact with it in any way. For this purpose, stand-alone scripts or other automation tools are used. To be honest, you chose the forum incorrectly.
Overquoting is evil! 👎
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