Why are images not shown on the forum?

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Why are images not shown on the forum?

Post by *AntonyD »

and what about the images on the forum? Why It can't be rendered as usually on another forums - also phpBB-based.
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Re: Why are images not shown on the forum?

Post by *white »

Moderator message from: white » 2022-06-23, 10:48 UTC

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Re: Why are images not shown on the forum?

Post by *AntonyD »

Thank you for this cutt-off )))
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Re: Why are images not shown on the forum?

Post by *white »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2003-02-07, 08:42 UTC Actually the forum software does support images, but I have disabled them. Why? I know many forums where they are enabled, and where people post huge images everywhere - in the signature, in their posts, etc. - full of advertising for their sites! Therefore I have decided to convert all images to links. People who want to see the image can still do it, but all others will not be bothered.
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2006-02-24, 16:11 UTC Images are allowed in the wiki now only because they are stored on the server, and can be overwritten/deleted easily. I have also limited their size. I may try to use a similar solution here in the forum.
ghisler(Author) wrote: 2018-07-10, 10:19 UTC I made the following changes to the default software:
2. Show images as links, not inline (legal reasons)
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Re: Why are images not shown on the forum?

Post by *AntonyD »

I think a considerable number of days, months, years have passed since then.
And it's likely that the main forum visitors will no longer somehow maliciously use this feature.
It is quite possible to already disable this option and return the images as images.
But of course if after that a wave of their incorrect use for some reason rises - and then
it will be possible to return everything back to the current level "just links".
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