AutoHotkey: Popup menu for button bar or F4: Difference between revisions

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== Overview ==
== Overview ==

This script shows a popup menu with programs defined in a configuration file. Selecting an entry launches the program with the given parameters. Useful to assign different external programs to a single button in the button bar or to use it as an editor-selector for F4.
This script shows a popup menu with programs defined in a configuration file. Selecting an entry launches the program with the given parameters. Useful to assign different external programs to a single button in the button bar or to use it as an editor-selector for F4.

== Source ==
== Source ==

Revision as of 13:26, 13 December 2005



This script shows a popup menu with programs defined in a configuration file. Selecting an entry launches the program with the given parameters. Useful to assign different external programs to a single button in the button bar or to use it as an editor-selector for F4.


  SplitPath A_ScriptFullPath, null, IniDir, null, IniFile, null
  IniFile = %IniDir%\%IniFile%.ini
  IfNotExist %IniFile%
    MsgBox Could not find %IniFile%.
  Menu Menu, Show
  SplitFirst(ByRef OutLeft, ByRef OutRight, InpText, InpSep)
    StringGetPos SepPos, InpText, %InpSep%
    If (SepPos >= 0)
      StringLeft OutLeft, InpText, %SepPos%
      RemChars := StrLen(InpText)-SepPos-1
      StringRight OutRight, InpText, %RemChars%
      OutLeft  := InpText
      OutRight := ""
    global IniFile
    IniRead MenuTitle, %IniFile%, %Menu%, Title
    If (MenuTitle <> "ERROR")
      Menu %Menu%, Add, %MenuTitle%, AboutBox
      Menu %Menu%, Default, %MenuTitle%
  ;    Menu %Menu%, Disable, %MenuTitle%
      Menu %Menu%, Add
    IniRead Count, %IniFile%, %Menu%, MaxItem, 0
    Loop %Count%
      IniRead, CurItem, %IniFile%, %Menu%, %A_Index%
      If (CurItem = "-")
        Menu %Menu%, Add
      Else If (CurItem <> "ERROR")
        SplitFirst(CurID, CurTitle, CurItem, "|")
        If (CurTitle = "")
          CurTitle := CurID
        IniRead IsSub, %IniFile%, %CurID%, MaxItem, 0
        If (IsSub = 0)
          Menu %Menu%, Add, %CurTitle%, ProcessEvent
          IniRead CurCmd, %IniFile%, %CurID%, Cmd
          If (CurCmd = "ERROR")
            Menu %Menu%, Disable, %CurTitle%
          Menu %Menu%, Add, %CurTitle%, :%CurID%
        IniRead IsChecked, %IniFile%, %CurID%, Checked, 0
        If (IsChecked = 1)
          Menu %Menu%, Check, %CurTitle%
    IniRead Count, %IniFile%, %A_ThisMenu%, MaxItem, 0
    Loop %Count%
      IniRead, CurItem, %IniFile%, %A_ThisMenu%, %A_Index%
      If (CurItem <> "ERROR")
        SplitFirst(CurID, CurTitle, CurItem, "|")
        If (CurTitle = "")
          CurTitle := CurID
        If (CurTitle = A_ThisMenuItem)
          IniRead Cmd, %IniFile%, %CurID%, Cmd
          If (Cmd <> "ERROR")
            empty := ""
            IniRead TargDir, %IniFile%, %CurID%, StartPath, %empty%
            IniRead StartMode, %IniFile%, %CurID%, StartMode, %empty%
            Loop 9
              CurPar := %A_Index%
              StringReplace Cmd, Cmd, `%%A_Index%, %CurPar%
            ; Use RunWait for ex. Total Commander, where the starting app has to know
            ; whether the launched app is still running. Otherwise use Run.
            RunWait %Cmd%, %TargDir%, %StartMode%, PID
    MsgBox 4160, About ClickMenu..., ClickMenu shows a popup menu with entries read from an INI file and launches the selected program upon click.`n`nMade in 2005 by Markus Birth <mbirth at>



To make things simple, compile this script using ahk2exe (contained in the AutoHotkey download) first. Let's assume you named it ClickMenu.exe. Assign the ClickMenu.exe to a new button on the button bar and add all required parameters (up to nine) to the "Parameters" field of the button. You can refer to these later by using %1..%9 in the ClickMenu.ini. Alternatively you can assign the ClickMenu.exe to the F4 key in the Total Commander options.


All configuration is done through an INI file which has to have the same basename as the script or compiled script. So in our case, the INI file has to be named ClickMenu.ini.

Sample configuration file

A sample INI file looks like this:

;Maximum number to parse, starting at 1
;Empty values are ignored.
1=TE1|Test entry
3=TES|Test sub
4=TE3|Test sub2

Cmd=notepad.exe %1
; (omit following to start in current path)
; StartMode=(Max|Min|Hide)
; (omit following to start normally)
1=TE2|Test2 entry

1=TE2|Test2 entry again

Detailed description


The section [Menu] contains the main menu visible after clicking the button or pressing F4. Each menu section consists of one to many menu items defined by numerical keys (assuming the format Key=Value) ranging from 1..n. The numbering must not be continuous but the value of MaxItem has to be the number of the key of the last menu item, i.e. every menu item with a number higher than MaxItem is ignored. Also be aware that all entries are displayed in the order of their number starting from the lowest going up to the highest.

Each menu may have a title defined by the key Title. This is displayed in bold above the entries.

Each entry has the format x=ItemSection|ItemTitle with x being the numerical key, ItemSection being the section in which the item is defined and ItemTitle being the string displayed in the menu.

A separator is defined by x=-.

Item- and submenu-sections can also contain Checked=1 to display a checkmark in front of the parent menu's entry.


To define a program to launch, use the syntax Cmd=app.exe /parameters. You can use the parameters defined in the button's Parameters field by setting something like Cmd=app.exe %3 which would start app.exe with the third parameter defined in the button's options.

To display a checkmark in front of the menu entry, you can use Checked=1.

Additionally you can define StartPath=c:\WINDOWS to launch the program with that starting path and StartMode=Max to launch it maximized, StartMode=Min to launch it minimized or StartMode=Hide to launch the program hidden. If you omit StartPath, the current directory will be used. If you omit StartMode, the program will be launched normally.

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