AutoHotkey: Make shortcut file from clipboard contents: Difference between revisions

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ControlSend  , Edit1, {END} ; let cursor jump to end, emulating real input behaviour
ControlSend  , Edit1, {END} ; let cursor jump to end, emulating real input behaviour
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;</pre></code>Back to [[AutoHotkey]]
[[Category:AutoHotkey scripts|Make shortcut file from clipboard contents]]

Revision as of 18:48, 6 June 2008

Make a new shortcut (*.LNK for local targets, *.URL for internet URLs),

-taking the clipboard's contents as target address and
-trying to auto-detect the file name for *.lnk/*.url

Leaves only the last RETURN key press to the user, the rest is automated.

Related links:

; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; // MkNewShortcut_from_Clipboard.ahk v1.01  -  (W) StatusQuo 2008
; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; // Make new shortcut (lnk/URL) using actual clipboard information.
; // Tested on Win2k SP4, supposed to run well on later versions.
; //
; // Thanks to icfu for pointing me to appwiz.cpl function
; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

sRunCmd = rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl`,NewLinkHere %A_WorkingDir%\
sURL    = %Clipboard%

Run, %sRunCmd%
WinWaitActive, ahk_class #32770,,3
if Errorlevel
{	MsgBox, *** Error: `n`nWaiting for CreateLink-Window timed out.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %sURL%
; ControlSend,  Edit1, {END}	; jump to end, showing file name to user (+ emulating real input behaviour)
Sleep, 250	; let user get a quick look at the URL
ControlClick,   Button3	; ControlSend,    Edit1, {ENTER}

sFileName = %Clipboard%
{		; Clipboard = Internet URL
		; StringGetPos: zero-based, first char is #0
	StringGetPos, iPos, sFileName, /, R
	if (iPos < 0)
	{		; Clipboard = local path
		StringGetPos, iPos, sFileName, \, R
	if (iPos < 0)
	{		; Clipboard = useless
	if (iPos + 1 >= StrLen(sFileName))
	{		; last char is (back)slash, no filename found in clipboard
	} else {
		StringMid, sFileName, sFileName, iPos + 2

	;- wait for system to process the link and proceed to link file name
	;- check, if system proceeded to second window, asking for link file name;  if not: wait
Loop, 15
{	ControlGetText, sTmp, Edit1
	if sTmp!=%sURL%
	Sleep, 100
if sTmp=%sURL%
{	MsgBox, *** Error: `n`nFirst CreateLink window still active, aborting.
	Return	; Exit

ControlSetText, Edit1, %sFileName%	; ControlSendRaw, Edit1, %sFileName%
ControlSend   , Edit1, {END}	; let cursor jump to end, emulating real input behaviour

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