AHK-Scripts with different versions of Windows

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Often a hotkey should only work in particular circumstances - i.e. when a special window is active. Otherwise the key should work as usual.

Windows NT/2000/XP

The preferred method is #IfWin... (new since AHK-Version 1.0.41), because the code is more clearly the with the old syntax. Example:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Notepad
MsgBox You have presed Ctrl-A while Notepad was active.

Windows 95/98/ME

The new #IfWin...-method is not completely supported in this Windows versions and unfortunately it is not planned this support to implement in future. If Notepad is active the script work as expected. Otherwise Ctrl-A does not do anything, the keypress is 'highjacked'. Normally this is not desirable so it is recommended to use the following method:

$^a::     ; Using the $ prefix a hotkey can 'send itself'
IfWinActive, ahk_class Notepad
  MsgBox You have presed Ctrl-A while Notepad was active.
Send ^a

This syntax works with all windows versions. Disadvantage is that you easy loose track in complex scripts. Additonal the conversion of Scripts with the new syntax to this one will be a lot of work.

new proposal

The following method to re-write those scripts for Windows 95/98/ME is much easier - especially for extensive scripts. Though it has been described not long ago and there are not many experiences with this method.

Some additional lines at the begin of the script re-establish the normal key functions

#IfWinNotActive, ahk_class Notepad
$^a:: Send ^a

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Notepad
MsgBox Du hast Strg-A gedrückt während Notepad aktiv ist.

Those Scripts seem to run also with Windows NT/2000/XP!

Known problems while using this new syntax with AutoHotkey or newer (please complete!):

  • Windows 95: not yet testet
  • Windows 98: till now no problems known
  • Windows ME: not yet testet
  • Windows NT: not yet testet
  • Windows 2K: not yet testet
  • Windows XP: not yet extensively tested

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