
From TotalcmdWiki
Revision as of 07:16, 26 May 2008 by White (talk | contribs) (First real content on this page)
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This wiki is about the file manager Total Commander. This is a community site where everyone is allowed to edit pages and to create new pages. Christian Ghisler, author of Total Commander, has made this wiki available as a service to all people having an interest in Total Commander. If you need help reading or editing this wiki, click Help.

Requirements for editing

Although editing of the wiki is free, it does require to register an account. Registration only requires you to enter user name (an alias will do), a valid e-mail address and a password.

Registration is done by registering an account for the Total Commander Forum. User name and password for this forum will also be valid to log on to the wiki.

Allowed languages

There is an English wiki (this wiki) for the English speaking community and a German wiki for the German speaking community. About other languages Christian Ghisler stated on the forum:

I'm sorry but I will not add additional Wikis like the German wiki. Why? Since I'm the hoster, I'm responsible also for the content. Therefore I have to understand the language. Therefore I suggest that if someone wants to write his own Wiki in another language, he should host it himself, but place a link on the English Wiki so people know about it.
Thanks for your understanding!
Author of Total Commander

If you do place a link to a wiki in another language, please do so at an appropriate place.