AutoHotkey: Auto-Delete BAK-files created by TC's File-Compare-Editor

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Revision as of 21:23, 23 February 2009 by StatusQuo (talk | contribs) (updated for TC 7.50 (tested up to beta 10))
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	; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	; // TC_CompareEditor_AutoDelBak.ahk v0.12
	; // (W) StatusQuo 2008-2009 for TC 7.0x, TC 7.50 (tested up to beta 10)
	; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; // Auto-deletes *.bak-files created by TC's File-Compare-Editor 
	; // (after confirmation)
	; //
	; // Full support is only included for a single instance of TC's compare window -
	; // for now, to have the BAK files of multiple instances deleted, you have to 
	; // close the compare windows in the same order you opened them
	; // (first close the one which was opened first).
	; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	#SingleInstance, Force

	; #Persistent
	; SetTimer, l_TC_AutoDelBak
	; Return

		WinWaitActive, ahk_class TFileCompForm
		ControlGetText, sFNLeft , TAltEdit.UnicodeClass2	; TC7.50
		ControlGetText, sFNRight, TAltEdit.UnicodeClass1	; TC7.50
		if ( (sFNLeft = "") and (sFNRight = "") )
			ControlGetText, sFNLeft , TEdit2	; TC7.0x up to 7.04a
			ControlGetText, sFNRight, TEdit1	; TC7.0x up to 7.04a
		sBakLeft  := sFNLeft  . ".bak"
		sBakRight := sFNRight . ".bak"
		SetTitleMatchMode, Slow	; needed for TC 7.50
		Loop	; wait for compare-editor to close
			Sleep, 500	; save CPU time
			IfWinNotExist, ahk_class TFileCompForm, %sFNLeft%
			IfWinNotExist, ahk_class TFileCompForm, %sFNRight%
		SetTitleMatchMode, Fast	; back to standard; needed for TC 7.50
		boFileDeleted := "0"
		if not ( f_DelBak( sBakLeft  ) = "10")
			f_DelBak( sBakRight )
		if not (boFileDeleted = "0")	; no reread if nothing was deleted
			; Sleep, 200
			PostMessage, 1075, 540,,, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD	; cm_RereadSource
f_DelBak( sFNBak )
	global boFileDeleted
	IfNotExist, %sFNBak%
	MsgBox, 35,, Delete Backup file?`n`n%sFNBak%
	IfMsgBox, Cancel
		Return, 10
	IfMsgBox, Yes
		FileRecycle, %sFNBak%
		boFileDeleted := "1"

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