For Euphoria

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-- Contents of file wcxhead.e (Language: Euphoria <>)
-- It contains definitions of error codes, flags and structures.

global constant

-- Error codes returned to calling application
E_END_ARCHIVE    = 10,        -- No more files in archive
E_NO_MEMORY      = 11,        -- Not enough memory
E_BAD_DATA       = 12,        -- Data is bad
E_BAD_ARCHIVE    = 13,        -- CRC error in archive data
E_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 14,        -- Archive format unknown
E_EOPEN          = 15,        -- Cannot open existing file
E_ECREATE        = 16,        -- Cannot create file
E_ECLOSE         = 17,        -- Error closing file
E_EREAD          = 18,        -- Error reading from file
E_EWRITE         = 19,        -- Error writing to file
E_SMALL_BUF      = 20,        -- Buffer too small
E_EABORTED       = 21,        -- Function aborted by user
E_NO_FILES       = 22,        -- No files found
E_TOO_MANY_FILES = 23,        -- Too many files to pack
E_NOT_SUPPORTED  = 24,        -- Function not supported

-- Flags for unpacking
PK_OM_LIST    =        0,
PK_OM_EXTRACT =        1,

-- Flags for ProcessFile
PK_SKIP    =           0,     -- Skip this file
PK_TEST    =           1,     -- Test file integrity
PK_EXTRACT =           2,     -- Extract file to disk

-- Flags passed through ChangeVolProc
PK_VOL_ASK    =        0,     -- Ask user for location of next volume
PK_VOL_NOTIFY =        1,     -- Notify app that next volume will be unpacked

-- Flags for packing

-- For PackFiles
PK_PACK_MOVE_FILES =   1,     -- Delete original after packing
PK_PACK_SAVE_PATHS =   2,     -- Save path names of files

-- Returned by GetPackerCaps
PK_CAPS_NEW        =   1,     -- Can create new archives
PK_CAPS_MODIFY     =   2,     -- Can modify exisiting archives
PK_CAPS_MULTIPLE   =   4,     -- Archive can contain multiple files
PK_CAPS_DELETE     =   8,     -- Can delete files
PK_CAPS_OPTIONS    =  16,     -- Supports the options dialogbox
PK_CAPS_MEMPACK    =  32,     -- Supports packing in memory
PK_CAPS_BY_CONTENT =  64,     -- Detect archive type by content
PK_CAPS_SEARCHTEXT = 128,     -- Allow searching for text in archives
                              --   created with this plugin
PK_CAPS_HIDE       = 256,     -- Show as normal files (hide packer icon),
                              --   open with [Ctrl]+[PgDn], not Enter

-- Flags for packing in memory
MEM_OPTIONS_WANTHEADERS = 1,  -- Return archive headers with packed data

-- Errors returned by PackToMem
MEMPACK_OK   =            0,  -- Function call finished OK, but there is more data
MEMPACK_DONE =            1   -- Function call finished OK, there is no more data

-- Structures

global constant      -- struct OpenArchiveData
   OPEN_ARCNAME      =  0,    -- C_POINTER
   OPEN_OPENMODE     =  4,    -- C_LONG
   OPEN_OPENRESULT   =  8,    -- C_LONG
   OPEN_CMTBUF       = 12,    -- C_POINTER
   OPEN_CMTBUFSIZE   = 16,    -- C_LONG
   OPEN_CMTSIZE      = 20,    -- C_LONG
   OPEN_CMTSTATE     = 24,    -- C_LONG

global constant      -- struct HeaderData
   HEADER_ARCNAME    =   0,   -- 260 chars
   HEADER_FILENAME   = 260,   -- 260 chars
   HEADER_FLAGS      = 520,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_PACKSIZE   = 524,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_UNPSIZE    = 528,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_HOSTOS     = 532,   -- C_LONG  (for compatibility with unrar.dll only, should be set to zero)
   HEADER_FILECRC    = 536,   -- C_LONG  (32-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) checksum of the file.
                              --          If not available, set to zero.)
   HEADER_FILETIME   = 540,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_UNPVER     = 544,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_METHOD     = 548,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_FILEATTR   = 552,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_CMTBUF     = 556,   -- C_POINTER
   HEADER_CMTSIZE    = 564,   -- C_LONG
   HEADER_CMTSTATE   = 568,   -- C_LONG

global constant      -- struct PackDefaultParams
   PARAMS_SIZE                =   0,   -- C_LONG
   PARAMS_DEFAULTININAME      =  12,   -- 260 chars

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