
From TotalcmdWiki
Revision as of 09:00, 23 February 2006 by SanskritFritz (talk | contribs) (RE: Division in sections)
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I have a general problem with all auto hotkey script articles. The article names don't indicate that they are about Auto hotkey scripts. The same problem exists for ideas and suggestions but there a string is preppended which is not a nice solution. Before reanming the articles we should look for good solutions for the problem. I will test if namespaces could work here. --Lefteous 09:57, 22 Sep 2005 (EST)

articles of AutoHotkey scripts

My idea for that is: All scripts should have as first item: AutoHotkey: Then: Name of the script"
Example: "AutoHotkey:Always copy/move in Queue" -would be show as title of the page and will seperate it clear from functions of TC. The Wiki-search will show hits with that title. Kind regards --Stance 10:29, 22 Sep 2005 (EST)

We should introduce some new namespaces. I have proposed it in our forum. --Lefteous 11:25, 22 Sep 2005 (EST)

"AutoHotkey:" in the title

Lefteous, what about to add: "AutoHotkey:" into each title of every script?
Would be a plus for the look and for the former function of the wiki search!
I started in the german Wiki with the missing pages.
namespaces- sounds good, hope SysOp will make it work.Friendly --Stance 13:40, 22 Sep 2005 (EST)

Rating, age, credits

I'm thinking about adding a complexity rating, credits, and create date to the scripts. Like this:

AutoHotkey: Always copy / move in Queue by Hacker, 18:04, 22 Aug 2005, Basic

AutoHotkey: Auto add URL to Background transfer manager by Hacker, 20:58, 26 Aug 2005, Advanced short

What do you think? --SanskritFritz

RE: Rating, age, credits

Reasonable idea I think.

Sheepdog 19. Oktober 2005 17:33 (CET)

RE: Rating, age, credits

Well, I tried to categorize the scripts into difficulty and complexity levels, and finally gave up ;-) It's very hard to judge a script this way, so I just leave it to the reader. After all the title says what a script is for, and with a little experience one can tell if the task is hard to implement or it is just a basic tweak in AHK. But at least I updated the page with the credits.

SanskritFritz 22 feb 2006

Division in sections

I think we should consider to divide all thos scripts to sections. With those 30+ scripts one looses track, IMHO.

Unfortunately I have no clue how those sections could look like. Any ideas??

Sheepdog {22. February 2006 23:57 (GMT)}

RE: Division in sections

Good idea! I'm thinking about some possible categories.

Hmm, is the wiki capable to perform some dinamic operations? I mean can we sort the list by various fields, like date or wiki user? This way anyone would have at least some options to sort.

SanskritFritz 23. feb 2006