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ContentStopGetValue is called to tell a plugin that a directory change has occurred, and the plugin should stop loading a value.


void __stdcall ContentStopGetValue(char* FileName);

Description of parameters:

FileName The name of the file for which ContentGetValue is currently being called.

Return value:

The function has no return value.


This function only needs to be implemented when handling very slow fields, e.g. the calculation of the total size of all files in a directory. It will be called only while a call to ContentGetValue is active in a background thread. A plugin could handle this mechanism like this: 1. When ContentGetValue is called, set a variable GetAborted to false 2. When ContentStopGetValue is called, set GetAborted to true 3. Check GetAborted during the lengthy operation, and if it becomes true, return ft_fieldempty

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