List of changes (version 10.51 - 10.52)

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List of changes (version 10.51 - 10.52) is a list of changes to Total Commander since version 10.51 until the release of version 10.52. The list starts at the latest change and goes back in time.

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List of changes (version 10.51 - 10.52)

(26.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 final

  • (26.10.22) Fixed: Refresh file lists after call to functions showing/hiding separate trees like cm_SwitchSeparateTree (32/64)
  • (25.10.22) Fixed: Main configuration: Increased distances a bit on some tabs to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64)
  • (24.10.22) Fixed: Lister configuration: Increased distances a bit on the first tab to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64)
  • (24.10.22) Fixed: Quick search with search dialog: Only ignore certain Ctrl+A/EM_SETSEL events when input language is set to Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to avoid problems with IME (64)
  • (24.10.22) Fixed: Tree: Ignore left mouse button up after second click of double click on expand/collapse icon (64)
  • (23.10.22) Fixed: Set focus manually on active panel after resizing it to 0 width with cm_50Percent -100 and then via mouse to visible width (32)
  • (23.10.22) Fixed: Windows 11: cm_VisFlatDriveButtons and change via Configuration - Options - Layout didn't keep the flat button look for the pressed drive button (32/64)

(21.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 5 (RC5)

  • (21.10.22) Fixed: Tree: Ignore double click on expand/collapse icon (32/64)
  • (21.10.22) Added: PreferOpenTypes: All file types after the pipe symbol | will be opened internally as an archive, even if there is an association, e.g. PreferOpenTypes=+|*.docx (32/64)
  • (20.10.22) Added: Change list of default office xml file types via wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreferOpenTypes=*.ext . Start with + to include the default office xml types, e.g. PreferOpenTypes=+*.ext (32/64)
  • (20.10.22) Fixed: Open documents like a ZIP archive if they don't have a common office xml extension although they have an "open with" list. Default: *.docx *.docm *.dotx *.dotm *.xlsx *.xlsm *.xltx *.xltm *.pptx *.pptm *.ppsx *.potx *.potm *.vsdx *.odt *.ods *.odp *.odg (32/64)
  • (20.10.22) Fixed: Open documents like .docx as a ZIP archive when they don't have an entry for the extension in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT although they have an "open with" list (32/64)
  • (20.10.22) Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, forget the last directory which couldn't be entered because it didn't exist on the other side when re-activating the function (32/64)
  • (20.10.22) Fixed: The new path format to open virtual folders with shell:Name conflicted with DrivesShowUpcase=1 -> make it case insensitive (32/64)
  • (19.10.22) Fixed: Set focus manually on active panel after resizing it to 0 width with cm_50Percent -100 and back to visible width (32/64)

(18.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 4 (RC4)

  • (17.10.22) Fixed: Single click the expand button in front of "Network" in the separate tree -> menu could no longer be accessed via Alt+Letter (64)
  • (17.10.22) Added: Open common shell folders via button or command line with command cd shell:Name, e.g. cd shell:Fonts (32/64)
  • (17.10.22) Fixed: Manually store also these virtual folders in wincmd.ini as GUID value: OneDrive, Administrative Tools, Documents, User Pinned, Fonts, User (and subfolders), Common (and subfolders). Some only work on Windows 10/11 (32/64)
  • (17.10.22) Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, opening ".." in root would end the function without warning. Instead, go up to "My PC" if both sides are in the root, otherwise make a warning beep first (32/64)
  • (16.10.22) Fixed: Thumbnails view: The current item could change when the number of columns changed, but not the number of rows, e.g. 15 entries, 5->6 columns, both with 3 rows (32/64)
  • (16.10.22) Fixed: Button bar: Some combinations of commands didn't work, like cm_SrcActivateTab1,cm_ReReadSource 1 (32/64)

(14.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 3 (RC3)

  • (14.10.22) Fixed: Separate tree: Make sure the virtual folder "My Computer" is expanded when trying to show one of its included virtual folders in the tree (32/64)
  • (14.10.22) Added: CM_EXIT: Add 16 to parameter to restart with full administrator rights (elevated) (32/64)
  • (13.10.22) Fixed: Windows 10/11: Manually store these virtual folders in ini as GUID value: Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos (32/64)
  • (13.10.22) Fixed: Do not open documents like .docx like a ZIP file when they have an "open with" list in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.docx\OpenWithList, value MRUlist) (32/64)
  • (13.10.22) Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, clicking on "\" or using cm_GoToRoot still showed wrong folder in single separate tree in some cases (32/64)
  • (13.10.22) Fixed: View modes with custom columns view: Sort orders by size or date/time set via view mode could not be changed via Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click (32/64)
  • (13.10.22) Fixed: Search for Cyrillic text via regular expressions failed with case-insensitive search due to wrong conversion function in regular expression library (32/64)
  • (12.10.22) Fixed: Separate tree: After a double click on a virtual folder which expanded that folder, the menu could no longer be reached via Alt+Letter due to a call to SetCapture (64)
  • (12.10.22) Fixed: Keep sort order of list loaded via LOADLIST when switching to a view mode with sort order set to "unchanged" (32/64)

(10.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 2 (RC2)

  • (10.10.22) Fixed: CM_EXIT with restart parameter now waits with launching a new instance until the window has been deleted (32/64)
  • (10.10.22) Fixed: Reduced flickering in file panel with custom background color from view mode when enabling separate tree (32/64)
  • (10.10.22) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Make "Compare" button smaller (height) when it would overlap with the checkbox below it (32/64)
  • (10.10.22) Fixed: CM_EXIT didn't work when starting command line via double click instead of Enter (32/64)
  • (10.10.22) Fixed: Entering a virtual folder in one of the file list didn't always show the right one in the tree (32/64)
  • (10.10.22) Fixed: cm_gotolockeddir or single click on tab header (on a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed) didn't update tree in other panel or separate tree (32/64)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: cm_ExchangeSelFiles/cm_ExchangeSelFolders/cm_ExchangeSelBoth did not handle folders shown below files, e.g. after using LOADLIST (32/64)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: The footer wouldn't show the number of selected/total folders if they were shown below files, e.g. after using LOADLIST (32/64)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: Separate tree: double clicking on a folder which causes it to expand and the list to scroll could place cursor on wrong folder (64)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: Dark mode: When using two separate trees, they didn't have a left border near the top when not using tabs (32)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, clicking on "\" or using cm_GoToRoot showed wrong folder in single separate tree (32/64)
  • (09.10.22) Fixed: Auto-switch mode: custom sort orders for custom columns were not applied immediately any more (32/64)
  • (07.10.22) Fixed: Internal associations: New command **path\ didn't work when the path or file name contained one or more spaces (32/64)
  • (07.10.22) Fixed: CM_EXIT: Restore active panel with /P=L or /P=R switch, add 8 to parameter to always pass left/right path and name to the program (32/64)
  • (07.10.22) Fixed: Two separate trees, right file panel: The current item wasn't set correctly when the active file panel showed a virtual folder at startup (32/64)
  • (05.10.22) Fixed: Internal associations: New command **path\ didn't work when used for the default "open" verb when opening the file with ENTER (32/64)
  • (05.10.22) Fixed: Commands CM_EXIT, CM_50PERCENT and CM_*ACTIVATETAB* could not be combined with other commands on a button when using a parameter, e.g. CM_SRCBYEXT,CM_EXIT 1 (32/64)
  • (04.10.22) Fixed: Save current selection when cm_RereadSource is called and there is at least one selected file (32/64)
  • (04.10.22) Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconsOnNetReadOnly=0 Set to 1 to show folder icons on network shares even for folders with read only attribute. Warning: very slow for shared CD/DVD drives! (32/64)

(04.10.22) Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 1 (RC1)

  • (04.10.22) Added: Support F-keys up to VK_F24 when entered manually in wincmd.ini, section [Shortcuts] (32/64)
  • (04.10.22) Added: Internal command CM_EXIT: Add 4 to save paths, tabs and display modes on exit even when it's disabled in the configuration (32/64)
  • (04.10.22) Added: Internal command CM_EXIT with parameters 1 or 2 (restart) now restores the current directory if it differs from the tab locked root (32/64)
  • (04.10.22) Fixed: Compare by content: When using two compare windows above each other, the 2 line compare list at the bottom could sometimes overlap the lower window (reproduced on Windows 8.1) (32/64)
  • (03.10.22) Added: Internal command CM_EXIT now supports also parameter 2: Close and restart Total Commander but switch between 32-bit and 64-bit versions (if the other exists in the same directory) (32/64)
  • (03.10.22) Fixed: Out of memory error when trying to read tags from mp4 files >2GB with internal "tc" content plugin (64)
  • (30.09.22) Added: Command line parameters now support value LOADLIST:path\listfile.txt instead of a directory name to load list file into file panel, like LOADLIST0 button bar command (no errors) (32/64)
  • (30.09.22) Added: New button command LOADLIST0 loads list of files from provided list file like LOADLIST, does not show any errors if files aren't found (32/64)
  • (29.09.22) Fixed: Synchronize dirs, wildcards edit box between paths: A stored search didn't work if the name contained one or more semicolons ";", e.g. >Search;name (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Added: Internal associations: New command **path\ opens the given button bar file as a menu. Use %P%N in the buttons to pass the file names to the commands (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Fixed: Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: Ctrl+Insert didn't work (should copy selected search text to clipboard) (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Added: Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: New hotkey Ctrl+Z in addition to Ctrl+Y to clear the field, better to reach on QUERTY keyboards (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Added: cm_50percent now accepts a parameter: It adds the value (in percent) to the width of the active panel. Example: cm_50percent -10 reduces active panel width by 10% (use cm_100percent with parameter for absolute values) (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TabFullColor=0 choose whether tab header colors defined via view modes are displayed as a gradient (value=0) or a fixed blend percentage of 1 to 100% (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Fixed: Wrong error shown when trying to add multiple files to a CAB file ("too many files" instead of "not supported") (32/64)
  • (28.09.22) Fixed: Dark mode: When using two separate trees, they didn't have a left border (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Fixed: Dark mode: Single separate tree didn't have a bottom border (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Added: Internal commands cm_*ActivateTab* (e.g. cm_SrcActivateTab1) now supports numerical parameter for tab. Negative numbers mean counting from the end, e.g. cm_SrcActivateTab1 -1 activates the last tab (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Added: Internal command CM_EXIT now supports parameter 1: Close and restart Total Commander with switch /N, also append switches /i= and /f= if they were passed to the previous instance (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Added: New hotkey F9 in "Compare by content" to toggle visibility of the two line compare box at the bottom (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Added: cm_UnloadPlugins: Parameter 16 (cm_UnloadPlugins 16) now unloads an external tcmatch dll set via tcmatch=/tcmatch64= in wincmd.ini (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Fixed: Memory leak when reading tags (Artist, Title etc.) from .wav files with internal tc plugin (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Fixed: Double click on checksum file (.md5, .sha1 etc) now checks only that file, not the currently selected files (which will be unchecked) (32/64)
  • (27.09.22) Fixed: Ctrl+A not working any more in quick search with search dialog (64)
  • (27.09.22) Fixed: Only load colors by file type after the registration notification screen has been closed (32/64)
  • (26.09.22) Fixed: Drive hints in Alt+F1/F2 and in the drive button bar didn't support Unicode for network shares (32/64)
  • (26.09.22) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Detect invalid file list and abort synchronizing instead of crashing (32/64)
  • (26.09.22) Fixed: Show more meaningful error when installer is called with invalid install file as parameter (32/64)
  • (26.09.22) Added: Command line parameters: option /O now supports a parameter: /O0: never open a new instance in any case, other number: same as OnlyOnce value, /O- same as /O-1 (32/64)
  • (23.09.22) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "Copy file properties" -> "Timestamp" now copies all file times when CopyAllTimes=1 is set (32/64)
  • (23.09.22) Fixed: The main menu may not have icons in it when using certain options like a search filter in Show->Custom (64)
  • (05.09.22) Added: After searching for duplicate files and "feed to listbox", allow to switch to any custom columns view and back without losing the special duplicate file view and separators (32/64)
  • (05.09.22) Fixed: LOADLIST command: Support double quotes around names in the list, e.g. when it contains spaces (32/64)
  • (05.09.22) Fixed: Separate tree: The current item was always set to "My Computer" by mistake when the active file panel showed a virtual folder at startup (32/64)
  • (05.09.22) Fixed: Double click on "Desktop" in tree didn't expand/collapse the tree below it (64)