List of changes (version 6.55a - 6.56)

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List of changes (version 6.55a - 6.56) is a list of changes to Total Commander since version 6.55a until the release of version 6.56. The list starts at the latest change and goes back in time.

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List of changes (version 6.55a - 6.56)

(01.01.07) Release Total Commander 6.56 final

  • (01.01.07) Fixed: USB stick detection from TC7 ported to TC 6.56
  • (01.01.07) Fixed: Re-reading of Network Neighborhood on Vista could cause access violations
  • (01.01.07) Fixed: Overlay icons not shown for font scalings other than 96 dpi (only seems to affect Vista)

(30.12.06) Release Total Commander 6.56 beta 1

  • (29.12.06) Fixed: Re-packing files from a subdirectory of a RAR archive with external unrar to another archive could corrupt the temp dir and delete the wrong files
  • (24.12.06) Fixed: Support TortoiseSVN overlay icons also on Vista
  • (20.12.06) Added: Include newer unrar.dll because old dll doesn't seem to handle some new rar files
  • (24.11.06) Fixed: Some regular expressions could cause a stack overflow (infinite recursion because nothing is found) -> limit recursion depth to 2000
  • (19.11.06) Fixed: Unpack from RAR may fail with read error for RAR files >2GB
  • (08.11.06) Fixed: FTP client: Show *** in log file for account password (ACCT command)
  • (13.09.06) Fixed: Unpack each archive to separate subdir not working properly if no target path was given at all