List of changes (version 9.0a - 9.10)

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List of changes (version 9.0a - 9.10) is a list of changes to Total Commander since version 9.0a until the release of version 9.10. The list starts at the latest change and goes back in time.

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List of changes (version 9.0a - 9.10)

(20.10.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 final (32/64)

  • (19.10.17) Fixed: GDI memory leak when using inverted cursor, and alternating background colors via a view mode (64)
  • (19.10.17) Fixed: Some OneDrive fixes for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update didn't work in 64-bit version only (64)
  • (19.10.17) Fixed: F5 copy - Enter - Background -> dialog box wasn't scaled correctly on secondary screen (Windows 10 Creators Update) (32/64)
  • (19.10.17) Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: When copying a template file, set its date+time to current date+time (32/64)
  • (19.10.17) Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: In some rare cases, a different menu item than chosen by the user could be invoked (32/64)

(18.10.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 3 (32/64)

  • (18.10.17) Fixed: Windows 10 Creators Update and Fall Creators Update: when changing scaling (e.g. 100%->150%) in Windows, limit window size to current screen user area (32/64)
  • (18.10.17) Fixed: Abort sorting manually by custom column with ESC if it hangs for more than 2 seconds (32/64)
  • (17.10.17) Fixed: The option QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 didn't work in the 64-bit version (64)
  • (17.10.17) Fixed: Dialog boxes wouldn't correctly restore their position on Windows 10 Creators Update after the user changed the scaling of the primary screen (without logging out and back in) (32/64)

(16.10.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 2 (32/64)

  • (16.10.17) Fixed: Disable per screen scaling on Windows 10 if the user changed the scaling of the primary screen, resulting in faulty scaling until the user logged out and back in (32/64)
  • (16.10.17) Fixed: Go back in history: When a path isn't accessible and the user doesn't pick a different drive, remaining in the same directory, then swap the current and previous path in the history (32/64)
  • (16.10.17) Fixed: Increased maximum stack size from 512k to 640k due to a stack exhaustion error (0xC00000FD) one user had (32)
  • (15.10.17) Fixed: F5 - F2 or add files to queue: Use message above WM_USER to send names to the dialog instead of WM_COMMAND (32/64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Button bar: couldn't set icon size smaller than 16x16 any longer (32/64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Go back in history: When a network path isn't accessible and the user picks a different drive, replace the network path with that drive in the history (32/64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Go back in history: When using a (separate) tree, update it with the real directory if we couldn't go to the dir in the history (32/64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Lister: Couldn't load images via Irfanview when started as a standalone program with /S=L parameter (64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Lister: Window size could change when switching between files with 'n' and 'p' keys (64)
  • (13.10.17) Fixed: Lister: No horizontal scrollbar for images larger than the window (64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: History and hotlist buttons were sometimes (partially or fully) hidden after switching button bars with different lines (64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: Hints for history and hotlist were interchanged after recent fix regarding hint font size (64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: Option autocompletetab>0 not working in 64-bit version only (64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: Auto-complete no longer worked in Shift+F4 (32/64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows no longer stopped at dots in names in F7 or Shift+F4 (32/64)
  • (12.10.17) Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string with double quotes instead of a backslash, e.g. !test.txt -> "!"test.txt, otherwise the text will not be found in the middle of a name (32/64)

(10.10.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 1 (32/64)

  • (09.10.17) Fixed: Tab height was still changing in classic theme when creating first tab on both sides with multi-line tabs disabled (32/64)
  • (09.10.17) Fixed: Crash when showing wait to close dialog, fixed by creating dialog without its own class, and setting icon manually (32/64)
  • (09.10.17) Fixed: F4, Shift+F4, Enter in archive -> wait to close dialog wasn't shown any more even with EditWaitTime>0 (32/64)
  • (09.10.17) Fixed: Go back in history: Restore history position if reconnecting to ftp server fails (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Adjust height of color comboboxes also when moving dialog between screens of different dpi (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Dialog boxes like search were no longer scaled after using some internal commands like OPENLANGUAGEFILE (64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Crash trying to unpack file from 7z or rar file to path longer than 259 characters - problem with wrapping long names in dialog box (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime crashes on Windows XP for times beyond the year 2559 -> Limit displayed time to 2559 (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Placeholder was added to the name instead of the extension field when using option "Use [first,last]" (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Nothing was added when choosing option "Measure last character from the end". Same problem with [P#-#] and others from the dropdown list (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string, e.g. !test.txt -> \!test.txt, otherwise nothing will be found because '!' means 'not' (32/64)
  • (08.10.17) Fixed: FTP: Templates can now be given either as ANSI (current system encoding) or UTF-8 for UTF-8 servers (32/64)
  • (06.10.17) Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Comboboxes not high enough on high DPI screens (32)
  • (06.10.17) Fixed: FTP: Templates didn't work with UTF-8 encoding if the month name contained an accent (32/64)
  • (06.10.17) Fixed: Internal associations: Quick toggle on/off by clicking on initial * character -> also toggle multiple extensions, e.g. *.c *.cpp <-> -.c -.cpp (32/64)
  • (06.10.17) Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstop: After clicking on "Default", the "Ext" column was too narrow when using non-standard size format for file lists (32/64)
  • (06.10.17) Fixed: Set size of the directory history and hotlist button icons depending on the main window font size, not the dialog box scaling (32/64)

(04.10.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 3 (32/64)

  • (04.10.17) Fixed: Lister: menu line spacing wrong when using OverrideDPI options (64)
  • (04.10.17) Fixed: Comments didn't work for file names longer than 127 characters from UTF-16 Unicode files (32/64)
  • (04.10.17) Fixed: Icons in tabs: Icons from desktop.ini and from custom view modes different when using 32x32 icons in file list (32/64)
  • (03.10.17) Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Icon wrong for buttons other than the current one when icon name didn't have extension (32/64)
  • (03.10.17) Fixed: Files - Internal associations: Only standard icon was shown for programs with no extension, e.g. cmd /c instead of cmd.exe /c (32/64)
  • (02.10.17) Fixed: Always show link overlay for junctions (also pseudo OneDrive junctions) even when overlays are disabled (32/64)
  • (02.10.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Didn't work with directories in OneDrive folder on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update preview (32/64)
  • (01.10.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Load also larger (24x24 and 32x32) custom equal icons if available from content plugins (32/64)
  • (29.09.17) Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't pause operation when in background (32/64)
  • (29.09.17) Fixed: Help file: Column alignment in samples in help for F7/Shift+F4 (32/64)
  • (29.09.17) Fixed: Scaling of fonts in file hints was different from 32-bit version (64)
  • (29.09.17) Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Combobox in 32-bit and 64-bit versions was set to different dropdown count (10 and 100). Set to 30 for both (32/64)
  • (29.09.17) Fixed: FTP toolbar: Wrong font size in FTP log list when using a different encoding than "Western" for dialog font (64)
  • (28.09.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: icons for unequal [=/=] and unknown [?] were shown incorrectly (32/64)

(27.09.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 2 (32/64)

  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Couldn't delete an NTFS link in a protected directory like "Program files" pointing to a file if the target file was deleted (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Compare by content: "Save as" dialog had wrong size on secondary screen with different DPI (32)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Fixed problems with font sizes when moving dialog box between different dpi screens (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with wrong font size on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with tiny window on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (32)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Search for office xml in archives could sometimes cause a crash, depending on the searched office file contents (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Search for office xml in archives -> zip file containing .docx/.xlsx/etc. files would remain opened/locked after the search ended (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: Ctrl+Right/Left arrow no longer jumped to file under the cursor in the target window (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Allow to create numbered folders/files also in specified path, e.g. <1-5>c:\dir\test[C] or <1-5>[%temp%]\test[C] (32/64)
  • (27.09.17) Added: Environment variable placeholders: Append backslash to paste only last part of path, other char to replace \ with, e.g. [%TEMP%\] -> temp, [%TEMP%_] -> c_temp
  • (26.09.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Icons on directional buttons and checkboxes between the two sides were not scaled on higher dpi screens (32/64)
  • (26.09.17) Fixed: Updated the frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the help file (32/64)
  • (25.09.17) Fixed: Only use user-defined font for groupbox top position calculation on secondary screen with different dpi than main screen (64)
  • (25.09.17) Fixed: Limit width of custom message dialog (e.g. when showing disk full error) to 2/3 of the current screen width - break longer lines in the middle at spaces or backslashes (32/64)
  • (25.09.17) Fixed: Search with ev: prefix (Everything unfiltered search): ignore the current directory even when a backslash is present, e.g. "ev:tv/ artist" to find files containing "artist" in dirs ending with "tv" (32/64)
  • (25.09.17) Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker (no 7zip plugin installed) via menu or Alt+F9 -> no "Background" button was shown (32/64)
  • (24.09.17) Fixed: Decode MIME-Encoded files: Still problems with nested boundaries in MIME files (32/64)
  • (24.09.17) Fixed: Standalone Synchronize dirs (started via /S=S parameter): tab headers were not themed (64)
  • (24.09.17) Fixed: Copying subdirs from OneDrive not working with IgnoreLinks option set on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
  • (24.09.17) Fixed: Deleting non-empty subdirs from OneDrive not working on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
  • (24.09.17) Added: Help for F7 and Shift+F4: Examples for placeholders, especially for multi-item creation like <1-10>[C:2] (32/64)
  • (22.09.17) Added: Support environment variables in multi-rename tool, F7 and Shift+F4: [%USERNAME%] or [%USERNAME%1-5] (32/64)
  • (22.09.17) Fixed: Position and size of standalone compare dialog wasn't saved on exit (64)
  • (22.09.17) Fixed: Position and size of standalone search/sync/compare dialog was wrong on high DPI screens (32)
  • (22.09.17) Fixed: Font in hint window (tooltip) for files and buttons too small on Windows 10 Creators Update, on main screen only (64)
  • (22.09.17) Fixed: Main settings dialog: Line height in list on the left (list of settings pages) not correct after changing DPI (32)
  • (22.09.17) Fixed: Configuration - Options - Fonts: DPI value wasn't stored correctly any more on Windows versions older than Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was badly aligned with combobox (it's not possible to align it 100% correctly for all fonts) (64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was not translated - use string 1330 (32/64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: checkboxes were missing (32/64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: lines too high (64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog: Lines in search results were too high (32/64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working with wincmd.ini set to read only (32/64)
  • (21.09.17) Fixed: New help topic "Environment variables" had some problems with line breaks (32/64)
  • (20.09.17) Fixed: Auto update check function would report beta versions even with AutoUpdateCheck=2, which should report only release versions (32/64)

(20.09.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 (first public beta) (32/64)

  • (20.09.17) Fixed: Shift+F4 didn't work in empty directories on FTP servers/in file system plugins (32/64)
  • (20.09.17) Fixed: Icon in 1-2-3-nag dialog used wrong (16x16) icon (64)
  • (20.09.17) Fixed: Error message when launching programs not very detailed - show windows message (using FormatMessage) in addition to TC message (32/64)
  • (19.09.17) Fixed: Right click context menu: Entries in "New" submenu were not translated on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)
  • (19.09.17) Fixed: Dialog box "Commands" - "System information": Font too small on high DPI screens (64)
  • (19.09.17) Fixed: Get folder sizes via 'Everything' didn't work if Total Commander was started with higher user rights (as administrator) and 'Everything' with normal rights (32/64)
  • (18.09.17) Fixed: TC was no longer passing 8.3 names to content plugins not supporting Unicode (32/64)
  • (18.09.17) Fixed: Automatic key download (paste mail with Ctrl+V) was always via HTTP, not via HTTPS (32/64)
  • (18.09.17) Added: New optional translation string 5062="Change single button" for title bar of single button change dialog (32/64)
  • (18.09.17) Fixed: Files - Change attributes, click on >> date/time picker: Error beep was played when closing dialog with ESC (64)
  • (18.09.17) Fixed: Button bar, change single button: using just "explorer" as icon file didn't work (missing .exe extension) (32/64)
  • (17.09.17) Fixed: Support environment variables like %commander_path% also in path= entry in [left] / [right] sections of wincmd.ini, but only if the name doesn't start with a plugin, ftp server, or UNC path (32/64)
  • (17.09.17) Fixed: Show symbolic links to folders as a folder icon (with link overlay if overlays are enabled) instead of just a link icon, also when Explorer icons are disabled (32/64)
  • (17.09.17) Fixed: Xnview was no longer working to load thumbnails or Lister images (due to added Unicode support for Irfanview) (32/64)
  • (17.09.17) Fixed: FTP/file system plugins/archives: Shift+F4 not working when using F4menu or OpenFileTC with a multiple-document editor already running in the background (32/64)
  • (16.09.17) Fixed: Thumbnails view: Thumbnail lines could be shown as high as in full or brief view when the thumbnail+text surpassed 255 pixels (64)
  • (15.09.17) Fixed: New placeholder picker button in F7 and Shift+F4 dialogs too narrow (32/64)
  • (15.09.17) Fixed: Tree could be added as empty line to directory history, e.g. (Alt+F8, Alt+Cursor right, Alt+F1 - C) (32/64)
  • (15.09.17) Fixed: Date picker control (e.g. in "Files" - "Change attributes" - ">>" button) was too narrow (64)
  • (15.09.17) Fixed: Installer would fail on some XP installations (reason: problem with loading comctl32.dll dynamically from system32 -> uses static linking) (32/64)

(10.09.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 3 (private beta) (32/64)

  • (10.09.17) Added: Apply FontQuality option also to main menu in TC and Lister (64-bit only, not in right click context menus or menus in 32-bit version, because they are not owner drawn) (64)
  • (10.09.17) Fixed: Right click on button bar button, Change.., Click in field "Icon file", close dialog -> icon index was reset to 0 if the icon file name contained environment variables (32/64)
  • (10.09.17) Fixed: Shift+F4 not possible in plugins linking to local files like Virtual Panel -> show error (32/64)
  • (10.09.17) Fixed: Alt+Shift+Enter could cause hang with many 10'000 subdirectories, with or without 'Everything' option (32/64)
  • (10.09.17) Fixed: 'Apply' button wasn't enabled when clicking on 'Everything' option in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
  • (08.09.17) Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] set TranslateMessageButtons=0 to NOT translate buttons in MessageBox windows to current Total Commander language (e.g. Shift+Delete) (32/64)
  • (08.09.17) Fixed: No translation for warning about missing dir size index in 'Everything' when activating the option to get folder sizes from 'Everything' in the settings (32/64)
  • (08.09.17) Fixed: Translation of OK button used wrong string from lng file (32/64)
  • (07.09.17) Fixed: The icons for folders with a desktop.ini file could differ in the file list and the tab header (SHGetFileInfo called differently, once with idlist and once with path name) (32/64)
  • (06.09.17) Fixed: File system plugins, upload/download in background, try close TC -> program was closed even when the user chose "No" (32/64)
  • (06.09.17) Fixed: Symbolic link files to programs (.exe) were only shown with a standard icon (32/64)
  • (06.09.17) Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MftAllowed=0 By default, access to <drive>:\$MFT and below will be blocked, to prevent a Windows crash. Do not enable unless you have changed the permissions of $MFT to access it (32/64)
  • (06.09.17) Fixed: Shift+F4 new file: Didn't work in file system plugins if the plugin didn't download any existing file, but reported success -> no new temp file was created (32/64)
  • (06.09.17) Fixed: Master password dialog still not in foreground in 64-bit version (64)
  • (05.09.17) Fixed: FTP: Keep alive during transfers was sent too often when the PC had a long uptime >=25 days (problem with GetTickCount returning DWORD instead of longint) (64)
  • (05.09.17) Fixed: Lister: Switching between text and binary mode could change the Lister size (if one mode had a horizontal scrollbar and one not) (64)

(04.09.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 2 (private beta) (32/64)

  • (04.09.17) Fixed: Look for paths starting with D:/$MFT/ and do not try to access them with FindFirstFile, CreateFile, CreateDirectory, or SetCurrentDirectory to prevent Windows crash (32/64)
  • (04.09.17) Added: Shift+F4 new file: Now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins (32/64)
  • (04.09.17) Fixed: Shift+F4 new file: F10 (Tree) was no longer working - now it works when NOT using placeholders (32/64)
  • (03.09.17) Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Trying to access a file system plugin would show the master password input dialog behind the breadcrumb dropdown list (32/64)
  • (01.09.17) Added: Shift+F4 new file: Use same placeholders as in F7 new folder and multi-rename tool (32/64)
  • (01.09.17) Fixed: F7 new folder: Use separate fields for rename preview first/last file (when using a counter) (32/64)
  • (29.08.17) Fixed: F7 new folder, placeholder menu: '<' prefix wasn't added automatically before placeholders (32/64)
  • (29.08.17) Fixed: F7 new folder, placeholder menu: Separator was shown as '-' and clickable instead of horizontal line (32/64)
  • (29.08.17) Fixed: No accents were shown in F7 new folder - placeholder menu, they appeared as '?' instead (64)

(28.08.17) Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 1 (private beta) (32/64)

  • (28.08.17) Fixed: View modes: Do not call "Auto-run commands" exit command (after "|") for previous view mode of a tab when starting (32/64)
  • (28.08.17) Fixed: Lister: The keyboard didn't work in the "Print" dialog - it only worked after clicking on a control (64)
  • (28.08.17) Added: One more parameter added to installer: /N"user" sets user for desktop and start menu shortcuts. /N* installs them for all users. Note: All parameters MUST be passed in one group after a single slash, e.g. /AHN"testuser"D0G (auto-install, hidden, user "testuser", no desktop icon, group icons (32/64)
  • (25.08.17) Fixed: Adjust custom columns to DPI changes too. May need to re-save custom column positions to make it work (stores screen DPI) (32/64)
  • (23.08.17) Added: Configuration - Options - Operation: Option to use "Everything" to get directory sizes via Alt+Shift+Enter and/or spacebar. Needs recent Everything version with folder size index enabled (32/64)
  • (22.08.17) Fixed: Lister: Also scroll images with finger on touch screen (32/64)
  • (22.08.17) Added: Command line parameters: Pass .tab file (instead of a directory name) to load the saved tabs (replacing the current tabs) (32/64)
  • (22.08.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: Checksum with file system plugin: support plugin-specific checksums - the plugin has to return the checksum for both the remote and the local file (32/64)
  • (22.08.17) Added: Create directory (F7) also in RAR archives (32/64)
  • (22.08.17) Added: Create a range of numbered directories also in file system plugins, archives, virtual folders like the desktop, and on FTP servers (32/64)
  • (21.08.17) Fixed: Drag file from within ZIP to some programs like Visual Studio 2017 could cause a crash (reason: VS tried to release the DataObject much later, when it was already destroyed by TC) (64)
  • (21.08.17) Added: Create directory (F7), create a range of numbered directories: [C] placeholder takes same options as in multi-rename tool, e.g. <1-20>[C10+5:3] create 20 folders, starts at 10, steps by 5, uses 3 digits width (32/64)
  • (21.08.17) Added: Create directory (F7): Create a range of numbered directories, e.g. <5-10>test[C] creates folders test05, test06, test07, test08, test09, test10. The number of digits is determined by the highest number, but can be set via parameter, e.g. [C:2] (32/64)
  • (20.08.17) Added: Create directory (F7): Support the same placeholders as in the multi-rename tool, e.g. [YMD] for date. [T3] is the default for date formats (current date). Line must start with < character (32/64)
  • (20.08.17) Added: Multi-rename tool: New modificators [T1], [T2]. and [T3] determine the used date/time for all date/time fields after this position. T1 is the default (file last modified date) (32/64)
  • (20.08.17) Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [i]: am/pm indicator in English, e.g. for time format 10.30pm. Use [i1] for just a or p, e.g. 10.30p. (32/64)
  • (20.08.17) Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [H]: Paste hours, always in 12 hour 2 digit format (1-12) (32/64)
  • (15.08.17) Added: Button bar: Support icons from Windows 8/10 store apps, icon must be defined as @anyname.ext (also works for non-store apps, even on older Windows versions) (32/64)
  • (14.08.17) Added: Lister: Start auto-scrolling when moving finger quickly vertically over Lister window, stop with another tap (32/64)
  • (14.08.17) Added: Lister: Select text on a touch screen by moving a finger across the screen when text already selected (e.g. via double tap) (32/64)
  • (14.08.17) Fixed: Lister didn't react to touch screen - use for vertical and horizontal text scrolling (32/64)
  • (14.08.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs, with FTP: Ignore seconds when comparing and the server sends the time only with hours and minutes (e.g. default Unix format) (32/64)
  • (14.08.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs, with FTP: When deleting just an empty folder (no files) from a subfolder, that subfolder wasn't reloaded, so the deleted folder was still displayed (32/64)
  • (13.08.17) Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: Show missing timestamp as ? and not as 1.1.1601 (32/64)
  • (13.08.17) Fixed: ENTER on archives in temporary panel plugin no longer opened them internally. Instead, they were launched with the associated programs (32/64)
  • (13.08.17) Fixed: Position of TC wrong when starting it on Windows 10 when the user changed the scaling (e.g. 125% -> 150%) after logging in (32/64)
  • (13.08.17) Added: When changing screen resolution and the main window position was saved in that resolution, resize TC to the saved resolution (only when on same screen) (32/64)
  • (09.08.17) Fixed: FTP: Search, feed to listbox, select some files/folders in subdirs, search again in selected only -> nothing was found (32/64)
  • (08.08.17) Fixed: Open file/program by double click within a file system link with relative path -> launch with target name as before, but with link directory as current location (32/64)
  • (08.08.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: junctions (mklink /J) were incorrectly detected as infinite loops and skipped if the link name was 1 char longer than the target, and both in the same directory, e.g. dir$ -> dir (32/64)
  • (08.08.17) Fixed: Menu font size was wrong on Windows 7 after adding DPI support for Windows 10 (64)
  • (08.08.17) Fixed: "Background" button not working with some packer plugins like Total7zip when another operation was moved to background and ended before clicking "Background" again (32/64)
  • (06.08.17) Added: Auto-install icon library, set type=prg and file=WCMICONsomeUniqueName.DLL -> set this library as the default, and reload button bars (32/64)
  • (06.08.17) Added: Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking, multiple archives in parallel (32/64)
  • (06.08.17) Added: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: In "Replace with", support parameters \U, \L, \F, \n to convert from this point on to uppercase, lowercase, first char in word uppercase, and back to unchanged (32/64)
  • (06.08.17) Fixed: Translate buttons Yes, No, OK, Cancel in standard Windows MessageBox on NT based systems (note: MessageBoxEx does NOT work) (32/64)
  • (04.08.17) Added: Windows Vista and newer: Support GUIDs in environment variables, e.g. %${374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}% -> downloads folder, same as %$Downloads% (32/64)
  • (04.08.17) Added: Windows Vista and newer: Support new pseudo environment variables described here: Leave out prefix FOLDERID_, e.g. FOLDERID_Downloads -> %$Downloads% . Only fields with "Default Path" option are supported (32/64)
  • (04.08.17) Fixed: Button bar: Icons loaded from .ICO files were scaled worse (by LoadImage) than the same icons loaded from EXE/DLL files. Use LoadIconWithScaleDown instead if available (32/64)
  • (26.07.17) Fixed: FTP, inplace rename: Support the following names: subdir/ moves file to specified subdirectory, .. or ../ moves it one level up (32/64)
  • (26.07.17) Fixed: Change sort order: With aa.txt and AA.txt in same dir on ftp server or in an archive, the wrong file could be focused after re-sorting (32/64)
  • (26.07.17) Fixed: Folder tabs: With aa.txt and AA.txt in same dir on ftp server or in an archive, switching to a different tab and back could place cursor on wrong current file, or re-select the wrong file (32/64)
  • (26.07.17) Fixed: Search function, go to file: Handle the case of multiple files with same name but different case in the same location, e.g. aa.txt and AA.txt on ftp server or in an archive (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: In the OneDrive folder on Windows 10 (fall creators update preview 2017), Windows reported overlay icons with index 0, resulting in overdrawing all icons with a default file icon (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: Show symbolic links to folders as a folder icon (with link overlay if overlays are enabled) instead of just a link icon (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: Could not launch files in OneDrive folder on Windows 10 preview (fall creators update preview 2017) (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: Verify checksums: new option ChecksumExtraTypes takes precedence over checksums in the file name or in the clipboard (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: Option "Icons: EXE/LNK not on floppy" only checked for drive letters A or B, not whether the drive really was a floppy disk drive (32/64)
  • (17.07.17) Fixed: Decode MIME-Encoded files: Nested boundaries were not supported, e.g. Multipart/Mixed (mail+binary attachment) containing mail of type Multipart/Alternative (e.g. text+html) with nested boundaries (32/64)
  • (16.07.17) Added: Support URLs to Windows shares in the form smb://server/share/subdir , e.g. via command line parameters (32/64)
  • (16.07.17) Fixed: Internal content plugin "tc": Version information fields didn't support long file names with more than 259 characters (32/64)
  • (16.07.17) Fixed: Content plugins: "delayed" field (loaded in background thread) didn't work for file names longer than 511 characters (32/64)
  • (12.07.17) Added: Search with Everything: If Everything 1.4 or newer is installed, pass parameters "size" and "date from/to" to Everything to let it handle the matching (32/64)
  • (12.07.17) Fixed: Search with Everything: Catch out of memory error, revert to normal search (32/64)
  • (12.07.17) Fixed: Search with Everything: Free result transfer buffer when done searching, not only when doing the next search (32/64)
  • (10.07.17) Fixed: On Windows 10, load Uiautomationcore.dll at program start, otherwise TC may crash randomly due to a Windows 10 bug (32/64)
  • (10.07.17) Fixed: Buttonbar: limiting the number of button bar lines with wincmd.ini [buttonbar] barlimitlines=x didn't work when vertical button bar was active (32/64)
  • (10.07.17) Fixed: F5 copy, auto rename on name collisions: separate number (2) by a space from the file name, just like the Explorer and multi-rename tool (32/64)
  • (10.07.17) Added: Multiple screens with different DPI support: Completed port to 64-bit, fixed bugs in 32-bit (32/64)
  • (07.07.17) Added: Let the user configure different file icon sizes for each DPI value, depending on which screen the main program is displayed (32/64)
  • (04.07.17) Added: Make coordinate transformation from DPI unaware to DPI aware ourselves (32/64)
  • (04.07.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: Load different button icons depending on screen DPI (32/64)
  • (23.06.17) Added: Start porting DPI per screen functions from 32-bit to 64-bit (64)
  • (14.06.17) Added: DPI: Better default sizes for various dialogs depending on current screen DPI (32)
  • (13.06.17) Added: DPI: Save OverrideDpi values separately for each screen DPI value, so the user can scale dialogs differently on multiple screens (32)
  • (12.06.17) Added: DPI: Reload button bar icons in background thread and use scaled icons with wrong size in the meantime when dragging between screens (32)
  • (07.06.17) Added: DPI: Scale button bar icons, ftp toolbar, various dialogs (32)
  • (06.06.17) Added: DPI: Scale button bar configuration dialogs (32)
  • (06.06.17) Added: DPI: Scale various other dialogs like the multi-rename tool, find files dialog etc. (32)
  • (02.06.17) Added: DPI: Scale "Synchronize dirs" dialog (32)
  • (29.05.17) Added: DPI: Scale icons in main menu, font in hints and Lister (32)
  • (26.05.17) Added: DPI: Scale icons in drive button bar and drive dropdown comboboxes (32)
  • (26.05.17) Added: Multiple screens with different DPI support: Scale fonts in file lists, main window and dialog boxes (32/64)
  • (25.05.17) Added: Call "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext" on Windows 10 creators update to handle multiple screens with different DPI settings (32/64)
  • (25.05.17) Added: Start working on support for multiple screens with different DPI at the same time, e.g. one 4K screen and one full HD screen (32)
  • (22.05.17) Fixed: Crash copying from archive to virtual folder (64)
  • (19.05.17) Fixed: Upload to file system plugin, target exists, rename -> user was asked to overwrite even if no file existed with the new name (32/64)
  • (15.05.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs, asymmetric mode, left side shows archive content, right side directory with that archive -> archive was (invisibly) marked for deletion (32/64)
  • (12.05.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: Checksum with file system plugin: support also SHA256 and SHA512 (32/64)
  • (10.05.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: use file system plugin checksum functions to compare by content (32/64)
  • (10.05.17) Added: New file system plugin functions to get checksums (CRC32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) (32/64)
  • (10.05.17) Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Cannot read archives detected by content only, e.g. some exe files unpacked with Total7zip (32/64)
  • (09.05.17) Fixed: Speed buttons flickering when mouse enters/exits their position (classic theme only), e.g. buttons in multi-rename tool (64)
  • (09.05.17) Fixed: Division by zero error could occur in thumbnail view with very narrow file window (32/64)
  • (09.05.17) Fixed: Show link icon for link files where the icon wasn't loaded yet, or will not be loaded (e.g. lnk files on the desktop with "EXE/LNK not on net" checked) (32/64)
  • (09.05.17) Fixed: Content plugin field picker dialog: Preview field couldn't show & character (e.g. in name a&b.txt) (32/64)
  • (07.05.17) Added: Paste button to button bar: accept also Unicode text directly (32/64)
  • (07.05.17) Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ChecksumExtraTypes=*.sum adds extra patterns to recognize as checksum files for menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
  • (07.05.17) Fixed: Never start any program when user presses Ctrl+PageDown on a file (32/64)
  • (05.05.17) Fixed: Reviewed all the changes, fixed incomplete or not working functions (32/64)
  • (30.04.17) Fixed: 64-bit uninstaller tcunin64.exe: Also delete uninstall registry key from 32-bit branch if present (64)
  • (30.04.17) Fixed: Uninstaller tcuninst.exe/tcunin64.exe sometimes failed to delete itself (32/64)
  • (30.04.17) Fixed: 64-bit installer and combined 32+64-bit installer: remove uninstall entry from 32-bit registry branch created by older installers (32/64)
  • (30.04.17) Fixed: RAR files: Some of the displayed timestamps would differ from the timestamps after unpacking (need to call TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime) (32/64)
  • (27.04.17) Added: Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview) (32/64)
  • (27.04.17) Fixed: Loading thumbnails via Irfanview from TC 64-bit didn't work correctly (32/64)
  • (26.04.17) Added: Enable/disable crypto API for checksums manually: wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseChecksumCryptoApi= 0:disabled, 1:enabled (except when faulty on XP/2003), 2:force also when faulty (32/64)
  • (26.04.17) Fixed: Bug in Microsoft crypto API to calculate SHA512 checksums on Windows XP and Server 2003 only, and only for files > 512MB -> use slower internal functions (32/64)
  • (24.04.17) Added: Compare by content: Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes (32/64)
  • (24.04.17) Added: Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off): wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontQuality= 0:DEFAULT, 3:NONANTIALIASED, 4:ANTIALIASED, 5:CLEARTYPE, 6:CLEARTYPE_NATURAL (32/64)
  • (23.04.17) Fixed: Lister (32 or 64) couldn't use x64 Irfanview to view additional file types (reason: I_View64 sends invalid bitmap header). Will be fixed both in TC and Irfanview (32/64)
  • (23.04.17) Fixed: F5 copy: Aborting the counting of the files before copying didn't work in some cases (e.g. just one directory selected, containing many subdirs and files) (32/64)
  • (23.04.17) Added: Quick search with search dialog/quick filter: allow to enter/paste a search text leading to 0 matching files: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 (32/64)
  • (23.04.17) Fixed: Changed the names used to load default icons from c:\xyz* to C:\TC_FolderIcon, C:\TC_ExeIcon.exe and C:\TC_NoIcon.tcnoicon to make it clear for what they are used (32/64)
  • (23.04.17) Fixed: Separate quick view window (Ctrl+Shift+Q): Do not switch focus to Total Commander when user presses n or p key (next/previous file in list) (32/64)
  • (05.04.17) Fixed: Command line: cd %commander_exe% while quick search filter active -> quick search filter wasn't removed when changing to the directory containing that file (32/64)
  • (04.04.17) Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order mark (no plugins installed), press 7 then 4 -> caret not shown (64)
  • (04.04.17) Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order mark (no plugins installed), press 7 then 5 -> caret position wrong (32/64)
  • (04.04.17) Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order mark (no plugins installed), press 7 then 4 -> first 3 characters not shown (32/64)
  • (04.04.17) Fixed: Lister: NTFS file system links to image files were shown as text because the size reported is 0 (32/64)
  • (03.04.17) Fixed: Could not unpack stored AES-encrypted ZIP files with header behind the file and sizes in front set to 0 (32/64)
  • (31.03.17) Fixed: Binary compare UTF-8 encoded files by content: unprintable characters like line breaks were shown with red dots although there was no difference (32/64)
  • (31.03.17) Fixed: Create CRC checksums in branch view or search results: Do not sort by folder unless the user has checked separate checksums per folder (32/64)
  • (24.03.17) Fixed: Setting option [Lister] NoMediaFileTypes=*.txt disabled viewing as image/plugin in Ctrl+Q not only for the viewed file, but for all files after it until closing Ctrl+Q (32/64)
  • (24.03.17) Fixed: Verify after copy: retry up to 3 times to open target file if it fails (e.g. because writing is still not done) (32/64)
  • (24.03.17) Fixed: Don't try to get volume label from floppy disk drive when hovering with mouse over the button (32/64)
  • (24.03.17) Fixed: Comments from descript.ion can be wrong when the descript.ion file contains a mix of Windows and Linux style line breaks (32/64)
  • (22.03.17) Fixed: Copy, delete, calculate occupied space: prevent stack overflow with very deep directories by checking remaining stack size (32)
  • (20.03.17) Fixed: Installer: Only load dlls from Windows and System folders (32/64)
  • (20.03.17) Added: Content plugins: Show error when plugin is missing, or <?> in 64-bit when only 32-bit plugin is detected (32/64)
  • (08.03.17) Added: Lister, html viewer: Support for &trade; placeholder. Note: Only works in some encodings like UTF-8, Western, Central European, Windows Cyrillic (32/64)
  • (07.02.17) Added: Support wildcards like subdir1\subdir2\ or \subdir1\subdir2\*.ext also in branch view within archives (32/64)
  • (03.02.17) Added: Wildcards for relative paths: If the wildcard starts with "\" it is relative to the current directory, otherwise the name is matched anywhere in the subdir (32/64)
  • (03.01.17) Added: Support wildcards for relative dirs also in F5 copy dialog (only copy files of this type) (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: Support wildcards for relative dirs also for subfolders, in the form subdir1\subdir2\ or \subdir1\, also supports ** wildcard (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Added: New wildcards for relative dirs now support wildcard **, which stands for any number of subdirs, e.g. subdir\**\*.txt finds text files where the relative path contains "subdir" anywhere in the path (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Added: Select/unselect files, branch view: Support wildcards in the form \subdir1\subdir2\*.ext or \*.ext (for base dir) to include/exclude files in specific subdirs relative to the current directory (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Added: Synchronize dirs: Support wildcards in the form \subdir1\subdir2\*.ext or \*.ext (for base dir) to include/exclude files in specific subdirs relative to the sync base directory. Supports wildcards in dir names too, e.g. \subdir*\*.ext (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Fixed: Files - Unpack specific files: Combobox to select file types was limited to max 20 entries even if MaxItemsInComboBox was set to a higher number (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Fixed: Custom view mode, containing auto-run command "cm_TrgActivateTab2" or similar changing the active panel -> panel focus could get out of sync with active panel (32/64)
  • (29.01.17) Fixed: Sending WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1005..1008 returned invalid values in thumbnail mode (32/64)
  • (18.01.17) Fixed: Lister: RTF control text was limited to 32k after toggling "word wrap" manually (Reason: inherited control was calling EM_LIMITTEXT with limit=0, which limits to 64k bytes, 32k Unicode chars) (64)
  • (16.01.17) Fixed: Could not delete subdirs in folders accessed "As administrator", e.g. belonging to other users (32/64)
  • (16.01.17) Fixed: Copy progress: Timer wasn't always reset when pausing, resulting in incorrect speed and remaining time during the first few seconds (32/64)
  • (16.01.17) Fixed: Updated some descript.ion text for newer dll versions, added some missing descriptions (32/64)
  • (16.01.17) Fixed: x64 installer showed wrong character in German text on language selection dialog (64)
  • (16.01.17) Fixed: On high DPI displays, the icons in the content plugin field selection dialog were overlapping vertically (32/64)
  • (13.01.17) Added: Faster search for text in office xml and epub files by unpacking inner xml/html files to memory if <1MB (32/64)
  • (13.01.17) Fixed: HTML viewer: do not show &shy; dash: it would be a conditional dash, only shown when breaking text there (32/64)
  • (13.01.17) Fixed: Use pre-loaded data and do not call FindFirstFile when loading various internal "tc" content plugin fields: size, modification date+time, most attributes (32/64)
  • (11.01.17) Fixed: No error shown when opening damaged 7zip file (missing bytes at the end) (64)
  • (08.01.17) Fixed: Open multi-volume 7zip with internal unpacker -> first part remained open (need to use IFileStream instead of IHandleStream) (64)
  • (08.01.17) Fixed: Improved tsclient detection function (not working when RemoteFX vGPU was running) (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: New plugin field picker showed folder icons for "compare text" fields (used only in synchronize dirs) - show "TXT =" icon instead (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Selecting files with Shift+PageDown didn't go to the last file when using a quick search filter, when not all files were shown (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Switching between languages with same language code, e.g. wcmd_rus.lng -> wcmd_other_rus.lng -> strings 1579, 1580, and 1742 (internal plugin fields) were not reloaded (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Find files: When using "Everything" option, change search string *.* to * to also find files not containing a dot, e.g. "testfile" (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Startup screen: Set fixed width for version number field, it may otherwise be cut on some Windows versions (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Search function: File sizes >2GB were not supported in file system plugins (result list and feed to listbox) (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: Custom columns view: The size field didn't support Unicode, e.g. Cyrillic on English Windows (language for non-Unicode programs) for size.bkMG (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Added: Show extra text in the title bar in front of or behind the normal title: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TitleExtraText= *text in front, -text same but without instance number, $text behind (32/64)
  • (06.01.17) Fixed: FTP over SSL/TLS: reading directories and downloading files could sometimes hang at the end for a few seconds (32/64)
  • (03.01.17) Fixed: Master password not remembered with some screensavers which always enable their separate desktop (32/64)
  • (16.12.16) Fixed: String encoding would revert to the active code page by mistake when a string requested from LNG file was missing (32)