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Revision as of 19:07, 23 June 2005 by Stance (talk | contribs)
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The Lister is the integrated file viewer of Total Commander.
The shortcut key to start the lister is F3. The lister allows to view files of almost any size because it keeps only a small part of the file in memory (except for bitmaps), the rest is automatically loaded when scrolling through the text.

Supported files of the lister are:
Text, unicode, html, binary or hex format, bitmap graphics, multimedia files, icons and also RTF files.

Choose ANSI- (Windows), ASCII- (DOS) or variable (Windows, Text)
In automatic mode lister will choose between ASCII or ASCII.

If you open the viewer with multiple files, (Configuration-Edit/View), you can switch from one file to the next/previous using the keys n (next) and p (previous file). When you are viewing multimedia files or listening to sound, Lister will switch at the end of a file automatically to the next file (playlist function). With Ctrl+A you can select the whole text. You can use the cursor keys and Home, End, PgUp and PgDn or SPACE to scroll trough the text. Alternatively you can use your mouse. You can open as many file viewers as you want (and your memory can hold). All file viewers are closed when Total Commander terminates. Press F2 to refresh the content of a file.

Quick view

This command opens a small lister window inside Total Commander instead of one of the file panes.

Shortcut key is CTRL+Q. The window can be removed by choosing another drive in that window, or by pressing CTRL+Q a second time.

Quick view is based on standalone lister, so all shortcut keys from lister can be used in quick view too.

If you make the lister or quick view panel larger and choose 'save position', Total Commander will use this width for the panel independent from the normal position of the separating line.

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