Position of window divider

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Window divider of Total Commander

The two windows of the file lists have per default the same width. To increase the size of one of the windows move the mousepointer over the divider till it transforms to a double-sided arrow. Now you may click at the divider and move it to a position that fits your own needs. The exact position in percent is shown as a tooltip.

When [CTRL] key is pressed in addition to the mousebutton the divider jumps in 25% steps in the direction the mouse is moved.
A new start restores the default.

To keep those changes permanent it has to be saved. For this purpose you'll have to "Configuration - Save Settings" in the main menu. Now TC remembers the new divider position even if in "Save on exit" the "Panels(brief/full etc.)" checkbox is unchecked. The values are registered in the ini file (usually in the "Wincmd.ini") in dependence to the used screen resolution and related to the window position on the screen. Since the values are stored in permille, it does not make a difference whether "vertical panels" was used.
The appropriate entry reads:


Fast reset to 50/50

A right-click on the divider opens the context menu where some preset values could be selected. Hereby it is possible to reset window width on exactly 50% at any time .

Picture: Window divider contextmenu

Likewise you may include an entry in the main menu to reset the divider like this:

MENUITEM "window centrically", cm_50percent

or a Button in the Button bar that uses the following command from the Totalcmd.inc section [___View___]:

cm_50Percent=909;Window separator at 50%

There is an AutoHotkey - Script available that opens the above mentioned context menu with the Hotkey [CTRL]+[g ]. Thus one can set the divider to 20/80 30/70 40/60 50/50 60/40 70/30 or 80/20 with two keys to press: [CTRL]+[g ], then 2 to 8.

Position of the divider while quickview is active

The divider position for the quickview panel is saved separately.

This way you can display the quickview window (initiated by [CTRL+Q]) with a fixed width. Set the width of the quickview window e.g. to 75% and save it as described above . Total Commander will remeber this setting and each time you activate the quickview it will set the quickview panel to 75% and the file list to 25%.

The appropriate entry in wincmd.ini reads:


This setting is saved for different screen resolutions separately.

Position of the divider for file comment view

The divider position for the file comment panel is saved separately, too.

This way you can display the file comment panel (initiated by [SHIFT+CTRL+F2]) with a fixed width. Set the width of the file comment panel e.g. to 75% and save it as described above . Total Commander will remeber this setting and each time you activate the file comment view it will set the file comment panel to 75% and the file list to 25%. If you activate this view in both panels the width will be set to 50%, regardless the settings you made.

The appropriate entry in wincmd.ini reads:


This setting is saved for different screen resolutions separately .

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